Title: John Deere 7100 Soybean Special Max-Emegre Integral Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA45378)
D 2
O M A 4 5 3 7 8
2INTRODUCTION This safety alert symbol identifies
important safety messages in this manual. When
you see this symbol, be alert to the possibility
of personal injury and carefully read the mes-
sage that follows. Right-hand and left-hand
sides are determined by facing in the direction
the planter will travel when being
transported. Record your planter serial number in
the space provided on page 131. Your dealer needs
this information to give you prompt, efficient
service This operator's manual contains SI Metric
equivalents which follow immediately after the
U.S. customary units of measure.
TO THE DEALER Predelivery service is the service
John Deere recom- mends that a dealer perform on
a planter before deliver- ing it to a customer.
This includes assembly, lubrication, adjustment
and test. The service assures that the plant- er
will be delivered in good condition to the
customer. The John Deere Delivery Receipt, when
properly filled out and signed by the dealer and
customer veri- fies that the predelivery and
delivery services were satisfactorily performed.
When delivering this planter, give the customer a
copy of the delivery receipt and the operator's
manual. Explain their purpose. Be certain to
retain your copy of the packing list for shipping
bundle information.
Post Office County State
Serial No. Date Sold
At time planter is delivered, the following check
list is a reminder of very important information
which should be conveyed directly to the
customer. Check off each item as it is fully
explained to the customer.
PREDELIVERY CHECK LIST After the planter has been
completely assembled, inspect it to be sure it is
in good running order before delivering it to the
customer. The following check list is a reminder
of points to inspect. Check off each item as it
is found satisfactory or after proper adjustment
is made. Attach planting units and attachments
desired oy customer. 0 Be sure all grease
fittings are in place and lubricat- ed. 0 Run in
planter and make sure all working parts are
movi9 freely, bolts are tight, and cotter pins
are spread. See page 51. O Inflate tires to 280
kPa (2.8 bar) (40 psi) of air pressure. O Paint
all parts scratched in shipment. G This planter
has been thoroughly checked and to the best o my
knowledge is ready for delivery to the customer.
0 Advise the customer that the life expectancy
of this or any other machine is dependent on
regular lu- brication as directed in the operator
s manual. Tell the customer about all the safety
precautions which must be observed while using
this planter. When the planter is transported on
a road or high- way at night or during the day,
accessory lights and devices should be used for
adequate warning to the operators ol other
vehicles. In this regard, tell cus- tomer to
check local governmental regulations. Give the
operator's manual to the customer and explain all
operating adjustments. To the best of my
knowledge this machine has been delivered ready
for field use and customer has been fully
informed as to proper care and operation.
(Date Delivered)
(Signature of Delivery Person)
(Date Set Up) (Signature of Set-Up Person)
OM-A45378-D2 Litho in U.S.A.
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2-3 Safety
4-5 Identification Views
6-10 Preparing the Tractor
11 Preparing the Planter
12-19 Attaching to Tractor
2024 Transporting
25-37 Operating the Planter
38-43 Planting Rates
44-45 Trouble Shooting
46 Detaching from Tractor
47-50 Lubrication
51-67 Service
68-80 Attachments
81-130 Assembly
131-132 Specifications
133-134 Index
Transport Safely Use a trailer or an implement
carrier such as the John Deere 201 Implement
Carrier when transporting the planter. Always
lock markers in transport position before
transporting the planter any considerable
distance. Stand clear of disk blade when raising
or securing marker. When transporting the planter
on a smooth surface road, do not exceed maximum
tractor transport speed. Reduce speed
considerably when traveling over rough
ground. When transporting the planter on a road
or highway at night or during the day use
accessory lights and devices for adequate warning
to operators of other vehicles. In this regard,
check local governmental reg- ulations. Various
safety lights and devices are avail- able from
your John Deere dealer.
Avoid High-Pressure Hydraulic Fluid Escaping
fluid under pressure can have sufficient force to
penetrate the skin, causing serious iniury.
Before disconnecting lines, be sure to relive
pressure. Before applying pressure, be sure
connections are tight and lines. pipes and hoses
are not damaged. Use a piece of cardboard or
wood, rather than hands, to search for leaks. If
injured by escaping fluid, see a doctor at once.
Serious infection or reaction can develop if
proper medical treatment is not administered
immediately. Do Not I\flodify Planter Unauthorized
modifications to the machine may impair the
function and/or safety and atfect machine life.
7Safety 3
Operate the Planter Safely Permit only one
person, the operator. on the tractor platform
while tractor and planter are in operation. Be
careful when operating on hillsides because the
tractor may tip sideways if it strikes a hole,
ditch or other irregularity. Never ride or permit
others to ride on the drawbar of the tractor or
on the planter. Lubricate the Planter
Safely Never clean, lubricate or adjust the
planter while it is in motion. Mount Tires
Safely Failure to follow proper procedures when
mounting a tire on a wheel or rim can produce an
explosion which may result in serious injury or
death. Do not anempt to mount a tire unless you
have the proper equipment and experience to
perform the job. Have it done by your John Deere
dealer or a qualified tire repair service. When
sealing tire beads on rims, never exceed 35 psi
or maximum inflation pressures specified by tire
man- ufacturers for mounting tires. Inflation
beyond this maximum pressure may break the bead,
or even the rim , with dangerous explosive force.
If both beads are not seated when the maximum
recommended pres- sure is reached, deflate,
reposition tire, relubricate bead and
reinflate. Detailed agricultural tire mounting
instructions, includ- ing necessary safety
precautions, are contained in John Deere
Fundamentals of Service (FOS) Manual 55, Tires
and Tracks, available through your John Deere
dealer. Such information is also available from
the Rubber Manufacturers Association and from
tire manufacturers. Protect Against
Noise Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause
impair- ment or loss of hearing. Wear a suitable
hearing protective device such as earmuffs (A) or
earplugs (B) to protect against objec- tionable
or uncomfortable loud noises.
AEarmuffe WEar Plugs
8Identification Views
. SS
AStraight Marker WSeed Hopper C-Closing Wheel
DPlanting Unit Gauge Wheel ESeed Drive
Transmission FPlanter Frame Gauge Wheel
10-Row Integral Planter
9(No Transcript)
10Preparing the Tractor
IMPORTANT The operating pressure of your tractor
must be a minimum of t3 790 kPa (t37.9 bar) (2000
psi) for the planter hydraulic system to function
The maximum operating pressure for the planter
hydraulic system is 15 513 kPa (155.1 bar) (2250
psi). Exceeding this pressure is not
rec- ommended. For complete tractor operating
instructions, reter to your tractor operator's
Set the tractor rockshatt selector lever in the
MIN position. TIRE INFLATION Inflate the
tractor tires as recommended in the
tractor operator's manual.
11Preparing the Tractor 7
SWAY BLOCKS Install sway blocks in the lower
position. This will pre- vent side sway when the
planter is working.
Sway Blocks Installed to Eliminate Side Sway
(4240 Tractor Illustrated/
LIFT LINKS Adjust the lift links for transport
clearance and lateral float. See tractor
operator's manual. REAR WHEEL TREAD Set
tractor tires (center-to-center of tread) at 80
in. (2 030 mm) for solid row planters and 90 in.
(2 285 mm) for tractor tire skip
planters. FRONT WHEEL TREAD On wide front end
tractors, set front wheels to conform to rear
wheel setting.
128 Preparing the Tractor FRONT BALLAST
INFORMATION Install the proper amount of weight
on the front of the tractor as recommended in
your tractor operator's manual. For proper front
end weighting, see the fol- lowing implement code
tables. CAUTION Front-end ballast may not
always maintain the required Gtability if the
tractor is driven too fast over rough ground with
planter in raised position. Be eafe and drive
slowly under these conditions.
Hesvy-Duty Closing Wfieeie
8sGc Code
Heavy-Duty Coulters
Ballast Attachment
Size of Planter
8-Row (No Lift-Assist Wheels) 255 25 23
(Two Lift-Assist Wheels) 204 16 15 56
10-Row (No Lift-Assist Wheels) 320 31 29
(Two Lift-Assist Wheels) 248 20 19 67
12-Row (No Lift-Assist Wheels) 385 37 35
(Two Lift-Assist Wheels) 292 24 23 78
Basic machine code includes planter /rame, drive
and gauge wheel assemblies, units yvith seed
hoppers, markers, and parkjnp stands. EXAMPLE Let
s assume you have an integral eight-row planter
equipped with heavy-duty coulters and heavy-duty
closing wheel attachments. Checking the chart
above, you will find an implement code of 255 for
the basic machine. Add to this an implement code
of 25 for heavy-duty coulters and 23 for
heavy-duty closing wheel attachments. This gives
a total implement code of 303. Using this
implement code, check Front Ballast" in your
tractor operator's manual to see how much front-
end weight will be required. NOTE. To obtain
maximum Iront-end weighting for tractor-implement
combinations where imple- ment code information
is not available, pro- ceed as follows. Drive
tractor onto a scale so only the iront wheels are
on the scale and subtract this weight from f/S
the total tractor weight. Add front-end weights
to equal the difference.
13Preparing the Tractor 9 CONVERTING TRACTOR
- CAUTION Escaping hydraulic oil under pres- sure
can heve sufficient forCe to penetrate the skin,
Gausing serious personal injury. Before
disconnecting lines, be sure to relieve all
pressure. Before applying pressure to the system,
be sure all connections are tight and that lines,
pipes and hoses are not damaged. Hydraulic oil
escaping from a very small hole can be almost
invisible. Use a piece of card- board or wood,
rather than hands, to search for suspected leaks. - If injured by escaping hydraulic oil, see a doc-
tor at once. Serious infection or reaction can
develop if proper medical treatment is not ad-
ministered immediately. - To convert your planter ana tractor hydraulic
systems to single lever control, you must first
order BA23911 from your John Deere dealer. Also,
your tractor's rockshaft piston cover must be
equipped with two ports (A) shown at right. - If your tractor rockshaft piston cover is not
equipped with the two ports illustrated, order
the appropriate cov- er as indicated below. - AR74187 cover for 4040, 4240, and 4440 Tractors.
- R64459 cover for 4640 and 4840 Tractors.
- Once you have obtained the required parts, use
the assembly procedure outlined below and on page
10 to convert your tractor hydraulic system to
single Never control. - Connect 7 in. (180 mm) hose, O-ring and female
coupler together.
2. Connect 30 in. (760 mm) hose, adapter, O-ring
and male coupler together.
Continued on next page
1410 Preparing the Tractor
3. If the marters are to be operated independent
of the rockshah and lift-asrist wheels, connect
male coupler, adapters, tee, female coupler and
needle valve together with an 0-ring between each
fitting. Fasten the existing lift-assist wheel
hose that routes to the piston side of the
lift-assist cylinders to the needle valve.
4. If the markers are to be operated with the
rockshaft and lift-assist wheels, connect male
coupler, adapt- ers, tees, female coupler, elbow
and needle valve together with an 0-ring between
each fitting. Fasten the existing lift-assist
wheel hose that routes to the piston side of the
lift-assist cylinders to the needle valve. Fasten
the existing marker cylinder hose to elbow.
- On 4040, 4240, and 4440 Tractors, install elbows
into AR74187 rockshaft cover (cover not
provided). - On 4640 and 4840 Tractors, install elbow and
straight fittings to R64459 rockshaft cover
(cover not provided). - (Not illustrated.) Completely lower rockshaft and
remove existing rockshaft piston cover. - NOTE. Remove throttle and relief valves from
existing rockshaft cover and install in ported
cover. - Install ported rockshatt piston cover.
- Attach 30 in. (760 mm) hose to center fitting.
- Attach 7 in. (180 mm) hose to side fitting.
- Connect couplers together to provide rockshaft
op- eration whenever planter is disconnected
from trac- tor.
15Preparing the Planter
Lubricate the planter as shown on pages 47-50.
BOLT TORQUE Be certain all bolts are tightened
securely. See torque chart on page 51. TIRE
INFLATION Inflate 7.60-15 (6 PR) tires to 280
kPa (2.8 bar) (40 psi) of air pressure.
16Attaching to Tractor
HITCH PINS All Tractors Except 4440 Tractor With
Category 3N/2 Hitch Without Quik-Coupler
ALower Pins Poeitioned for Category 9 without
Quik-Couger or Category 3 with
Qutk-Cou_at_er BLower Pink PoeitToned for Catego 2
or 3N with Quik-Coupler
4440 Tractor With Category 3N/2 Hitch Without
Quik-Coupler Bushings are required on the hitch
pins shown at left when attaching planter to 4440
Tractor with Category 3N/2 Hitch without
Quik-Coupler. For parts, see your John Deere
dealer. ABushing Part No. A3B38O) eeuehlng
\eozt No. R4soes)
17Attaching to Tractor 13 MAST PIN AND SPACER
Pin and Ba// Positioned for Category 2 without
Pin arid Spacer Positioned for Category Z witfi
Pin and Spacer Posit/cxleo for Category 3 or 3N
wi/ñ Ouik-Coupler 4440 Tractor wifh Category
3N/2 without auik-Coupler
18\4 Attaching to Tractor ATTACHING HYDRAULIC
HOSES CAUTION To avoid injury from escaping hy-
draulic oil under pressure, relieve the pres-
sure in the system by shufiingoff tractor en-
gine and moving remote cylinder operating le-
vers in both directions before attaching hoses to
breakaway couplets.
Integral Install marker hose (bold arrow) into
left side of right- hand breakaway
coupler. IMPORTANT Be certain all hoses are
secured clear of any points which may pinch or
cut hoses when raising or lowering plant- er.
Semi-Integral Single Lever Control of Markers
and Lift-Assist Wheels, Independent Control of
Rockshaft Install hydraulic hoses into tractor
breakaway couplers as shown. IMPORTANT Be
certain all hoses are secured clear of any points
which may pinch or cut hoses when raising or
lowering plant- er.
19Attaching to Tractor 15
Semi-Integral Independent Control of Markers,
Lift-Assist Wheels and Rockshaft For independent
control of the markers, lift-assist wheels and
tractor rockshaft, attach the hydraulic hoses as
shown. IMPORTANT Be certain all hoses are
secured clear of any points which may pinch or
cut hoses when raising or lowering plant- er.
ALift-Assist Wheel Hoees BMaker Hose
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2116 Attaching to Tractor
Semi-Integral Single Lever Control
of Rockshaft, Lift-Assist Wheels and
Markers Single lever control of rockshaft,
lift-assist wheels and markers requires the
following assembly procedure. 1. Disconnect 30
in. (760 mm) hose from 7 in. (180 mm) hose.
- Install male coupler with needle valve into the
right- hand port of the tractor's number 1
breakaway cou- pler. - Connect 30 in. (760 mm) hose to tee coupler.
- Install protective dust plug (not provided) into
female coupler. - Attach existing lift-assist cylinder hose (that
routes to rod ports) to the left-hand port of the
tractor's num- ber 1 breakaway coupler. - IMPORTANT Be certain all hoses are secured clear
of any points which may pinch or cut hoses when
raising or lowering plant- er.
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