Title: John Deere 7000 Max-Emerge 4-Row Narrow 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow Drawn Planters Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMA45509)
PLANTERS OMA45509 E2 English
E 2
O M A 4 5 5 0 9
2INTRODUCTION This safety alert symbol identifies
important safety messages in this manual. When
you see this symbol, be alert to the possibility
of personal injury and carefully read the mes-
sage that follows. 'Right-hand' and left-hand
sides are determined by facing in the direction
the planter will travel when being
transported. Record your planter serial number in
the space provided on page 241. Your dealer needs
this information to give you prompt, efficient
service. The warranty on this planter appears on
your copy of the purchase order which you should
have received from your dealer when you purchased
the planter. This operator's manual contains SI
Metric equivalents which follow immediately after
the U.S. cuslomar/ units of measure.
Predelivery service is the service John Deere
rec- ommends that a dealer perform on a planter
before j delivering it to a customer. This
includes assembly, I lubrication, adjustment and
test. The service assures that the planter will
be delivered in good condition to the customer
and that the customer will be fully satis- fied
with its performance right from the start.
Post Office
The John Deere Delivery Receipt, when properly
filled out and signed by the dealer and cqstomer
veri- fies that the predeJivery and delivery
services were satisfactorily performed. When
delivering this planter, give the customer a copy
of the delivery receipt and the operator's
manual. Explain their purpose.
Serial No.
Date Sold - -. DELIVERY CHECK LIST At time
planter is delivered, the following check list is
a reminder of very important information which
should be conveyed directly to the customer.
Check off each item as it is fully explained to
the customer. Because some fertilizers readily
accumulate mois- ture and are quick to cause
metal to corrode, advise the customer to
thoroughly clean inside of fertilizer hoppers and
spouts each day after using planter.
Be certain to retain your copy of the packing
list for shipping bundle information.
PREDELIVERY CHECK LIST After the planter has been
completely assembled, inspect it to be sure it is
in good running order before delivering it to the
customer. The following check list is a reminder
of points to inspect. Check off each item as it
is found satisfactory or after proper adjustment
is m ade. Attach planting units and attachments
desired by customer.
Advise the customer that the life expectancy of
this or any other machine is dependent on regular
lu- brication as directed in operator's manual.
Tell the customer about all the safety
precautions which must be observed while using
this planter.
Be sure all Irease fittings are in place and
lubricat- ed.
When the planter is transported on a road or
high- way at night or during the day, accessory
lights and devices should be used for adequate
warning to operators of other vehicles. In this
regard, tell cus- tomer to check local
governmental regulations.
G Run in planter and make sure all working parts
are moving freely, bolts are tight, and cotter
pins are spread. See page 151.
O Inflate tires to 280 kPa (2.8 bar) (40 psi) of
air pressure.
Give the operator's manual to the customer and
explain all operating adjustments
Adjust planter to row widtn desired by customer.
To the best of my knowledge this machine has been
delivered ready for field use and customer has
beeo IuI!v informed as to proper care and
Paint all parts scratched in shipment.
This planter has been thoroughly checked and to
the best of my knowledge is ready for delivery to
the customer.
(Date Delivered)
(Signature of Delivery Person)
(Date Set Up)
(Signature of Set-Up Person)
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friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
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Identification Views
Preparing the Tractor
Preparing the Planter
Attaching to Tractor
Operating the Planter
Planting Rates
Trouble Shooting
Detaching from Tractor
, 87-114
- Operate the Planter Safely
- If the planter must be in a raised position while
working on or near it, be certain service locks
are installed. - Never ride or permit others to ride on the
drawbar of the tractor or on the planter. - Perm it only one person, the operator, on the
tractor platform while tractor and planter are in
operation. - Be careful when operating on hillsides because
the tractor may tip sideways if it strikes a
hole, ditch, or other irregularity. - When using the auger fill attachment
- Keep all shields in place.
- Disengage and shut off all engine and/or motor
power before servicing or unclagging machine. - Keep hands, feet, and clothing away from power-
driven parts. - Transport Safely
- While transporting the planter on a public road,
follow safety instructions outlined under
"Transporting. - Use care when transporting across rough ground.
- Avoid High-Pressure Hydraulic Fluid
- Escaping fluid under pressure can have sufficient
force to penetrate the skin, causing serious
injury. Before disconnecting lines, be sure to
relieve pressure. Before applying pressure, be
sure connections are tight and lines, pipes and
hoses are not damaged. Use a piece of cardboard
or wood, rather than hands, to search for leaks. - If injured by escaping fluid, see a doctor at
once. Serious infection or reaction can develop
if pfoper medical treatment is not administered
immediately. - Lubricate the Planter Safely
- Do not grease, oil or adjust the planter while it
is in motion. - Handle Chemicals Properly
- Agricultural chemicals can be dangerous. Improper
selection or use can injure persons, animals,
plants, soils, or other property. BE SAFE handle
and apply with care. Follow instructions of the
chemical manu- facturer.
7Safety 3
Free Dry rertilizer Augers Safely Do not use
welding torch to free frozen dry fertilizer
augers from auger shaft, Fertilizer trapped
inside augers could cause gas to form, which when
heated, may cause augers to ex- plode. Mount
Tires Safely Failure to follow proper procedures
when mounting a tire on a wheel or rim can
produce an explosion which may result in serious
injury or death, Do not attempt to mount a tire
unless you have the proper equipment and
experience to perform the job. Have it done by
your John Deere dealer or a qualified tire repair
service. When sealing tire beads on rims, never
exceed 35 psi or maximum inflation pressures
specified by tire man- ufacturers for mounting
tires. Inflation beyond this maximum pressure may
break the bead, or even the rim, with dangerous
explosive force. If both beads are not seated
when the maximum recommended pres- sure is
reached, deflate, reposition tire, relubricate
bead and reinflate. Detailed agricultural tire
mounting instructions, includ- ing necessary
safety precautions, are contained in John Deere
Fundamentals of Service (FOS) Manual 55, Tires
and Tracks, available through your John Deere
dealer. Such information is also available from
the Rubber Manufacturers Association and from
tire manufacturers. Protect Against
Noise Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause
impair- ment or loss of hearing. Wear a suitable
hearing protective device such as earmuffs (A) or
earplugs (B) to protect against objec- tionable
or uncomfortable loud noises.
AEarmuffs BEarpIugs
Service Always lower the planter to the ground
when not in use. Whenever possible, perform
service work and adjust- ments with the planter
on the ground. Do Not Modify Planter Unauthorized
modifications to the machine may impair the
function and/or safety and affect machine life.
8Identification Views
ADry Fertilizer Hopper BSeed Hopper CInsecticid
e and Herbicide Hopper AClosing Wheel
E TRUVEE DoubIeDisk Opener Gauge Wheels F
Double-Disk Fertilizer Opener GMarker HSMV
7000 Drawn Max-Emerge Planter 4-Ro w Wide with
Dry Fertilizer
9(No Transcript)
10Preparing the Tractor
- IMPORTANT The operating pressure of your trac-
tor must not exceed 15 514 kPa (155.1 bar) (2250
psi). Damage to the planter hydraulic system may
occur if exposed to higher pressure. - Your tractor must be equipped with a hydraulic
cylinder with a 3 x 8 in. (80 x 200 mm) stroke or
larger when - It is used with a 4-row planter equipped with or
without a fertilizer attachment. - It is used with a 6-row planter not equipped with
a fertilizer attachment. - A 6-row planter equipped with a fertilizer
attachment requires a remote hydraulic cylinder
with a 3-1/2 x 8 in. (90 x 200 mm) stroke or
larger. - NOTE All remote hydraulic cylinders must conform
to ASAE - SAE standards. - For complete tractor operating instructions,
refer to your tractor operator's manual.
TIRE INFLATION Inflate the tractor tires as
recommended in the tractor operator's manual.
TRACTOR DRAWBAR Place the drawbar aproximately
17 in. (430 mm) from tne ground and secure in the
center of the tractor.
REAR WHEEL TREAD Set tractor tires (center to
center of tread) at twice the row spacing.
11Preparing the Tractor 7 ROCKSHAFT OPERATING
LEVER HEIGHT STOP (4040, 4240, 4440 and 4640
Tractors) If the tractor rockshaft is
accidentally lowered with a Quik-Coupler hitch on
the tractor, damage can occur to the planter
hitch when turning the tractor. To prevent
accidentally lowering the rockshaft while
operating the planter, install AR60331 rockshaft
height stop. Installation instructions are
provided with the stop.
(2040, 2240, 2440, 2640 and 2940 Tractors)
If the tractor rockshaft is accidentally lowered
with a Quik-Coupler hitch on the tractor, damage
can occur to the planter hitch when turning the
tractor. To prevent accidental lowering, be sure
to install the friction pin in tfiie control
quadrant. See your tractor operator's manual.
12Preparing the Planter
ALL PLANTERS Attaching Hitch If planter has been
stored with hitch removed, attach hitch to
planter with 1/2 x 1 in. round head bolts (A),
and torque to 85 ft-lb. (115 Num). Remove spring
locking pin, drilled pin and cotter pin. Remove
storage strap (B).
ARound Head Bolts BStorage Strap
Attaching Hydraulic Cylinder If planter has
been stored with hydraulic cylinder re- moved,
attach hydraulic cylinder to cylinder support on
main frame and swing link (C) on wheel frame with
cylinder pins (A) and spring locking pins (B).
Connect tee (D) and marker hose (E) when planter
is equipped with automatic marker control.
ACylinder Pins WSpring Locking Pins WSwing
Link EMarker Hose
NOTE All remote hydraulic cylinders must conform
to ASAE - SAE standards.
13Preparing the Planter 9
Disconnecting Safety Transport Links If planter
has been stored in transport position, dis-
connect the safety transport links (A) as
follows Extend hydraulic cylinder and remove
drilled pin (B) and spring locking pin (C).
ASafety Transport Links BDrilled Pin CSpring
Lock!e 8'n
Transport Position
Swing safety transport links (A) rearward to
storage position. Insert drilled pin (B) and
spring locking pin (C)
Storage Position
1410 Preparing the Planter
Tire Inflation Be sure 7.60 x 15 (6 PR) planter
tires are inflated to 280 kPa (2.8 bar) (40 psi)
of air pressure. Lubrication Be sure your
planter has been properly lubricated. Consult the
lubrication charts on pages 80 through 86 for
lubricating instructions, Regular and systematic
lubrication is the best in- surance against
breakdowns and delays. It will help you get
better service ffom your planter and save on your
maintenance costs. Row Widths The 7000 Planter
is available for planting the following row
widths 4 Row Narrow30 in. (76 cm), 32 in. (81
cm), and 34 in. (86 cm) row widths. 4 Row Wid 36
in. (91 cm), 38 in. (97 cm), and 40 in. (102 cm)
row widths. 6 Row Narrow30 in. (76 cm) row width
only. To change the row widths proceed as
foilows Lower the planter (hoppers empty) until
openers rest on the ground. Remove cotter pin (B)
from driver and coupler and re- move drill shaft
ADrill Shaft BCotter Pin
15Preparing the Planter 11
Loosen U-bolts, then move all planting units,
starting with inside rows. Place one inside unit
one-half the distance of the desired row width
from the center of the planter frame to the
center of the planting unit. Place other unit at
the desired row width from this unit. Be certain
unit mounting angles are vertical and spaced at
approximately 12-1/2 in. (320 mm). Torque U-bolts
uniformly, to 105 ft-lb. (142 N-m). Insert drill
shaft into driver and coupler and secure with
cotter pin. Check all drive components for
interferences and plant- ing unit openers to
insure seed tubes and openers are free of dirt or
other foreign objects. NOTE If drill shaft does
not align properly with trans- mission shaft,
loosen planting unit drill shaft bearings,
re-alipn shah and tighten bearings.
1612 Preparing the Planter
Jack The jack (bold arrow) should be positioned
on mount near planter hitch clevis for attaching,
detaching, or storage.
Mount in rear position during operation to
provide clear- ance for turning. Rear mount is
also used for storage with hitch removed. See
Storage on pages 113-114.
A d076Y
Operating Position
Selecting Seed Plates (Plate Seed Hoppers
Only) As growing conditions change from year to
year, the size of the seed may vary. Therefore,
it is quite likely that different seed plates may
be required to plant the same variety of seed
ffom year to year. There are two ways to select
seed plates. One is to follow the recommendation
of the seed supplier and the other is to take a
sample of the seed to be planted to a John Deere
dealer and let him recommend the seed plates.
17Preparing the Planter 13
In either case, the accuracy of the seed plate
selected should be checked when installed in your
planter and operated at the planting speed you
intend to travel. The best check is to plant a
short distance at the desired planting speed and
then stop and dig up the seeds to determine the
actual planting rate. For a given spacing and
travel speed, a 24-cell seed plate revolves
slower than a 16-cell seed plate, result- ing in
better cell fill. It is therefore fecommended
that a 24-cell seed plate be used in all cases
when available. NOTE. See pages 58-60 for
drilling distance conver- sion charts for 16-,
20- and 24-cell seed plales. The following is a
list of the most popular corn plates available
with 16 and 24 cells. PLATES FOR FLAT KERNELS OF
16-Cell 24-Cell Kind of Corn
H 697B B 30070 Extra small corn
H 694B H 1302B Small corn
H 1572B H 27a 1B Small slender corn
H 695B H 950B Medium corn
H 2156B H 2594B Long thick corn
H 696B H 2836B Large corn
H 2504B H 2848B Medium flat slurry treated corn
H 2503B H 2847B Large flat slurry treated corn
B 12498 Extra large flat slurry treat-
ed corn
Turn H685B floor plate over (gfooved side
16-Cell 24-Cell Kind of Corn
H 2295B Extra small round corn
H 2043B H 2824B Small round corn
H 1933B B 10853 MediUm round corn
H 2044B H 2712B Large round corn
H 2820B Extra large round corn
NOTE A stepped false ring (B27054) is available
for providing additional hole depth when p/an//ng
ihe above sizes of seed.
Continued on next page
1814 Preparing the Planter
The following is a list of the soybean plates and
the edible bean plates PLATES FOR
H 1255 B H 2527 B
(Use with H1279B Floor Plate)
H 1301 B H 983 B
H 1300 B H 954 B H 1315 B H 1258 B H 1254 B H
1255 B H 1084 B
H 956 B
H 2480 B
H 2441 B
Use drive plate retainer (B30410) and retainer
spring (B31562) when using AH306B, H1264B,
H1279B, H1280B, H1323B, H1346B or H1354B Floor
ARetainer Spring BDrive Plate Retainer
19(No Transcript)
2016 Preparing the Planter PLATES FOR BEET
SEEDS U.S. Measurement Given in In. Metric
Measurement (Enclosed by Parentheses) Given in
Part Number Plate Thickness Hole Size Number of Cells Segmented Beet Seed Size (Screened) Monogerm Beet Seed Size Screened Slot and Round Hole Round Hole Only Monogerm Beet Seed Size Screened Slot and Round Hole Round Hole Only
BI 2732 .125 10/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 7/64 to 9/64 8/64 to 9/64
(3.18) (3.97) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (2.78 to 3.57) (3.18 to 3.57) -
B42733 .125 11/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 7/64 to 10/64 9/64 to 10/64
(3.18) (4.37) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (2.78 to 3.97) (3.57 to 3.97) -
B12734 H45 (3.68) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 7/64 to 11/64 (2.78 to 4.37) - -
B29402 .125 12/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 7/64 to 11/64 -
(3.18) (4.76) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (2.78 to 4.37)
B12735 .125 Blank 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72
(3.18) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72
B12736 .145 Blank 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72
(3.68) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72
B13298 083 8/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 6/64 to 7/64
(2.11) (3.18) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 - (2.38 to 2.78)
B13300 .083 10/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 7/64 to 8/64
(2.11) (3.97) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (2.78 to 3. 8)
B13302 .105 9/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 7/64 to 8/64
(2.67) (3.57) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (2.78 to 3.18)
B43304 .105 10/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 8/64 to 9/64
(2.67) (3.97) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (3.18 to 3.57)
BJ3931 .105 (2 so) 11/64 (4.37) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 9/64 to 9.5/64 (3.57 to 3.77)
B14015 .083 9/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 - 6/64 to 8/64
(21 1) (3.57) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (2.38 to 3.18)
BJ 4016 .105 J0.5/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 7/64 to 10/64
(2.67) (4.17) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (2.78 to 3.97)
B16815 .083 10.5/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 11/64 to 12/64
(2.11) (4.17) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (4.37 to 4.76)
B31558 .105 13/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 - 10/64 to T2/64
(2.67) (5.16) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (3.97 to 4.76)
B30474 .145 (3.68) 13/64 (5.16) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 - 10.5/64 to I 2/64 (3.97 to 4.76)
B32135 .125 13/64 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 10.5/64 to 12/64
(3.18) (5.16) 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 (3.97 to 4.76)
NOTE A stepped false ring (B 27054) is available
(or providing additional hole depth when planting
9/64 (3.ifi7) to 1 f/64 (4.37) diameter coated
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22Attaching to Tractor
With the planter in the lowered planting
position, re- move hitch pin and position planter
hitch clevis (bold arrow) at or near tractor
drawbar height. See page 23 for hitch clevis
adjustment. Back tractor into position and attach
to planter with hitch pin. CAUTION To avoid
injury from escaping hydraulic oil under
pressure, turn engine off and relieve the
pressure in the system by moving remote cylinder
operating levers in both directions before
attaching hoses to breakaway couplers. IMPORTANT
Wipe hose ends to remove any dirt before
inserting in the breakaway couplers. Connecting
Hydraulic Hoses Attach remote hydraulic
cyliFlder hoses (A) to tractor for planters
equipped with automatic marker hydraulic
ARemote Hydraulic Cylinder Hoses
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