Title: Genesis Hospital Best Hospital For Gallbladder Stone Surgery In Kolkata
1Genesis Hospital
- Best Hospital For Gallbladder Stone Surgery In
Website www.genesishospital.co
2- Genesis hospital founded by Dr. Purnendu Roy is
considered one of the leading hospital for
gallbladder stone surgery in Kolkata since 2004,
equipped with modern facilities and backed by the
best medical assistance.
Call / WhatsApp 8584883878 / 8584883884
3Why Choose Genesis Hospital?
Website www.genesishospital.co
4- Genesis hospital is considered to be one of the
best hospital for gallbladder stone surgery in
Kolkata, providing conventional and advanced
laparoscopic surgery for gallstones.
Call / WhatsApp 8584883878 / 8584883884
5Laparoscopic Surgery for Gallbladder Stones
Website www.genesishospital.co
6- Laparoscopic surgery is another name for keyhole
surgery, which is considered non-invasive and has
the added advantage of gallstone removal with
small incisions. Genesis hospital is considered
one of the most competent hospitals in Kolkata
due to its skilled team of surgeons who have
enough competence in performing this type of
Call / WhatsApp 8584883878 / 8584883884
7Expert Team and Advanced Care
Website www.genesishospital.co
8- What adds to the uniqueness of genesis hospital
are committed surgeons and medical and health
personnel who make safety and comfort of the
patient their top priority.
Call / WhatsApp 8584883878 / 8584883884
Website www.genesishospital.co
10- Amongst the top gallbladder stone surgery
hospitals in Kolkata, genesis hospital provides
superior service for the patients. From advanced
technology to caring medical staff, we always try
to provide the best results with minimum chances
of complications.
Call / WhatsApp 8584883878 / 8584883884
11Thank You!
1470 rajdanga main road, kolkata -700107(beside
GST bhawan)
Call WhatsApp 8584883878 8584883884 Call 033
2442 4242 033 4022 4242 WhatsApp 9062200739
Website www.genesishospital.co