Title: Rajasthan Industries Directory - List of Industries in Rajasthan
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Rajasthan Industries' Directory
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Rajasthan Industries' Directory is perhaps the
most comprehensive reference and information
source featuring entire spectrum of industrial
products and related services from the largest
Indian state of Rajasthan. Since its genesis in
the year 2003, it has gone through a tremendous
transformation in all aspects- be its volume,
quantity of data, the quality of information and
the look and feel as well. We leave no stone
unturned to incorporate various suggestions,
feedback and complaints as well to satisfy the
readers meet the objectives behind the
directory. This edition, like its predecessors,
is also the true testimonial to the aforesaid
line as it has been an outcome of months of hard
work and thousands of man-hours devoted towards
collecting, compiling, cross-checking, rectifying
and organizing data and racing against the clock
by the whole team behind this arduous and
prodigious task.
Our inclination passion to deliver better and
different have helped us prepare every edition
differently and innovatively like our other
publications respective their editions various
indices like Company Index, Segment Index-
Industries, Segment Index-Solutions and Service
Providers are prepared to help the reader access
the directory in a white page manner by company
/firm/segment search. Segment Index-Industries
this time is a bigger list prepared meticulously
and technically sound manner, yet very user
friendly and easily referable. Various new
segments and products, as per their hits surveyed
from various websites, Popular and established
directories and similar database search sources
and their commonly used names in the trade and
industry, are inserted for making it more
reference friendly and informative. In our
effort to enhance the utility of this source, we
have divided this directory into four broad
sections, which are further sub divided into
various chapters. For a better understanding and
to make it more informative, numerous useful
tables are also provided especially, in the
non-data information pages. Buy Now
Rajasthan and its Industrial Scenario It starts
with the graphical glance of the state of
Rajasthan by mapping Rajasthan and its Industrial
Scenario starts with the graphical glance of the
state of...
Large and Medium Scale Industries in
Rajasthan The presence of the large number of
leading Indian, Multinational Companies(MNC's)
and The presence of the large number of leading
Indian, Multinational Companies(MNC's) and ...
? Refer A Friend
Database of Industries in Rajasthan This
epicenter section provides latest information on
the manufaturers indexed and segmented in various
broad product categories. .....
Solution Service Providers to the Industry It
covers the segments, which help the trade and
industry in the smooth functioning of their
business.It covers the segments, which help the
trade and industry in the smooth functioning of
their business......
Section-1 (Rajasthan and its Industrial Scenario)
Rajasthan by mapping the prominent industrial
areas (Please refer-The Industrial Map of
Rajasthan) and pointing out special industrial
and economic zones with a table enlisting 33
districts of Rajasthan with their respective
areas and population figures. The information
pages starts with a single-pager "Rajasthan at a
Glance", giving a tabular picture of Rajasthan in
a more simplified manner to really go with its
name. A SWOT Analysis is also tabulated which
markets and sells the state of Rajasthan by
pointing out the strengths and opportunities in
the state of Rajasthan. "All about Rajasthan", as
the name suggests, is the true representation of
Rajasthan as it covers the important attributes
like Political System. Geography, Economy,
Agriculture and Agro Resources, Tourism, Mineral
Wealth, Social Infrastructure, Physical
Infrastructure. Above all,it presents the
industrial scenario and infrastructure of
Rajasthan giving clear picture of the overall
status of the Industry in the State. This section
very well presents and rather appreciates the
state's investment-friendly and industry-friendly
2infrastructure and policies. A very new important
chapter has been created by the name "List of
State/Central Government Organisations other
Agencies with Main Role in Industries" to present
a detailed picture of the organisations without
whose help it is literally not possible to
develop, run, expand and flourish business. We
heartfully acknowledge the support of various
trade bodies, chambers and industrial
associations as with their support it got easy
for us to collect, compile and update the data
and therefore this time we have loaded this
chapter with some more data on associations. The
chapter namely "Some Prominent Industrialists and
Corporates in Rajasthan" covers some exclusive
write-ups and corporate profiles of the leading
corporates from the soil of Rajasthan. Another
new feature by the name of "Some of the Important
Acts Enactments in Rajasthan" has been added
this time to this directory in an effort to cover
almost everything related and useful to trade and
industry. Section-2 (Large and Medium Scale
Industries in Rajasthan) Rajasthan-based national
corporates on the Industrial soil of Rajasthan
can be very well appreciated in this section as
it presents the Large and Medium Scale
Industries, segmented districtwise, providing
contact details, products manufactured, date of
production, fixed capital, working capital,
employment, production value .In short, this
section is where the genesis of the whole
directory lies.
Section-3 (Database of Industries in Rajasthan)
This epicenter section provides latest
information on the manufaturers indexed and
segmented in various broad product categories.
Details such as address, telephone number, fax
number, email, contact person, website address,
product/s manufactured have been provided. To be
very honest, this section could not cover all the
units in the state due to various limitations and
constraints. It was indeed a herculean task to
limit the number of industrial units to be
covered in this information source.
Section-4 (Solution Service Providers to the
Service Provider Segments like Certification
Bodies, Industrial Consultants, ISO Consultants,
Manpower Consultants, Security Services, Testing
Laboratories, Advocates, Chartered Accountants,
Tax Consultants, Transporters, Trademarks and
Patents Consultants, Vastu Consultants, Valuers
to name a few and Industrial Product Dealers and
many more (Please refer Segment Index-Service
Providers) are indexed to make it a handy guide
at the time of sourcing and buying decisions.
Rajasthan Industries' Directory
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Published By
Compiled, Edited, Marketed Distributed By
Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce Industry Jaipur ,
Rajasthan , INDIA
Sunflower Infomediary Jaipur , Rajasthan , INDIA
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