Title: read_ Memorize A Deck of Cards (Mind Magic Tricks Book 1)
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2Memorize A Deck of Cards (Mind Magic Tricks Book
3How to Memorize an Entire Deck of Playing
CardsHave you ever felt like pulling off
a fantastic magic trick? Or maybe you've
struggled to remember things and longed for a way
to improve your memory.In these pages, through
plain English and a touch of humor, you'll
unlock ancient techniques designed to unleash
your mind magic. Memorizing fifty-two cards
4will only be the beginning.Using clear
instructions and practical exercises, this book
teaches youHow to use visualization to store
information and move it from short-term to
medium- term memory.Three separate approaches to
remembering the cards in a deck. Most guides on
memorizing cards focus on the strategy that
worked for the author. With this guide, you get
to handpick the tools that work best for you.How
to construct a Memory Palace to recall the
sequence of not only one, but multiple decks of
cards.Advanced techniques that drastically lower
the number of items to recall. You'll be able to
recall 52 cards, with only 18 images! And even
that will feel natural and easy.How to perform a
mentalism magic trick with the memorized
cards.Begin a journey into memory that takes you
well beyond this one card trick.This first book
in the Mind Magic Trick series will enhance your
memory, and give you a skill that can benefit
you for life. Look inside, download a sample, or
better yet, buy your copy now. Then get ready to
wow your friends, family, and yourself with your
new Memory Magic.
Memorize A Deck of Cards (Mind Magic Tricks Book
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