Title: Aditi Jagtap Pune Peripheral artery disease (PAD) - Symptoms and causes.
2Peripheral Artery Disease, a regular condition
narrows down the arteries while reducing the
overall blood flow in arms and legs, disturbing
the balanced state of the body. Which gets
better with proper rest. Out of 10 every 4
individuals went through leg pain, which occurs
in the hip, thigh, calf, buttock. In this
particular condition, legs and arms dont get
enough blood flow, to meet the required demand.
This particular condition causes leg pain, which
makes it difficult for a person to walk, says
Dr. Ranjit Jagtap News. Peripheral Artery
Disease spiked up the leg pain during walking
(claudication) and other relatable
symptoms. Peripheral Artery Disease, is usually a
sign of buildup fatty components in the
arteries. Moreover, curing disease would require
you to walk, eat healthy, exercise and not smoke
or regularly use tobacco.
3Symptoms Includes,
Dr. Ranjit Jagtap Daughters Ram Mangal Heart
Foundation has experienced specialists working
towards improving the heart health for many
people, individuals with Peripheral Artery
Disease, usually, show mild to no symptoms,
Others witness leg pain during walking. In
addition to that, symptoms which are associated
with Claudication include muscle pain, painful
muscular contraction in legs or arms, which
starts while exercising and ends with rest. Major
pain is inflicted in the calves first, on a mild
or severe level. Severe pain causes, may make it
hard to walk, or do other regular activities.
4Other Symptoms might include,
- Chilly sensation in lower leg or foot, especially
compared with other side, - Numbness and weakness in legs
- No pulse or weak pulse in the legs or arms
- Just after walking, or climbing stairs, one or
both the hips, calf muscles or thighs might face
painful cramping. - Shiny skin on the legs
- Skin color changes
- Sluggish growth of toenails
- gtRaw Sore on arms, legs or feets that never heals
- Arms or Legs might face pain in the form of
cramps or ache, during activities like knitting,
writing, or other mutual tasks. - Hair loss or slower hair growth on legs.
5Its Causes
What do you think is the consequence of PAD
(Peripheral Artery Disease)? Build Up of fatty,
cholesterol-containing deposits on the artery
walls, also known as atherosclerosis. It reduces
blood flow via arteries. Eventually,
Atherosclerosis affects arteries throughout the
body. After which arteries supply blood to limbs
causing peripheral artery disease.
6Ways to Prevent the same
- If you look forward to opt for a healthier
lifestyle then best practices to treat a
Peripheral Artery Disease would include - Say a No to Smoke
- Control Blood Sugar
- Gobble down food that are low in saturated fats
- Get regular workout, but check with a healthcare
provider about what type and how much is good for
you. - Maintain good weight
- Properly manage blood pressure and cholesterol
Aditi Jagtap Pune daughter of Dr. Ranjit Jagtap,
performs social operations for Ram Mangal Heart
Foundation who actively nurtures and takes good
care of the heart patients and operation of the
hospital, from years now.