Title: How to Resolve QuickBooks Error 6000 83 (Company File Error)?
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2How to Resolve QuickBooks Error 6000 83 (Company
File Error)?
- Worried about errors occurring in QuickBooks? Of
all the errors that occur, QuickBooks error 6000,
83 is pretty common. QuickBooks being the most
popular application for accounting, it has a wide
range of features and tools. But sometimes minor
glitches occur in the application which hamper
the productivity of certain business. - In this tech blog, you will know in detail about
QuickBooks error 6000, 83 and the solutions to
resolve the error.
3- What is QuickBooks error 6000, 83?
- The error that comes up when a user is opening or
restoring the company file is QuickBooks Error
6000, 83. Most of the times, a corruption in the
file or an incorrect file name results in the
occurrence of this error. This technical glitch
is also known as company file error. This error
may strike the system when the user tries to
create a backup file. Moreover, misconfiguration
in the settings of the host or damaged company or
backup files may result in the error. A flash
warning, An error occurred when QuickBooks tried
to access the company file, may trigger and lead
to the disconnection between the server and
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5Possible Situations of QuickBooks Error 6000, 83
- There are mainly four variable situations in
which QuickBooks error 6000, 83 may occur. In
this section, the most feasible techniques to
resolve the error is explained
6Situation 1 QuickBooks error 6000, 83 may occur
while creating a Data Backup File
- If the QB error 6000, 83 occurs while creating a
Data Backup File, try to change the location of
the backup file. This can be done by the
following steps - On the server computer, access the QuickBooks
screen. - On the QuickBooks screen, click on the File tab
and select Quit QuickBooks Desktop. - Double click on the This PC icon gt C Drive.
- Create a New Folder inside the folder and name it
QB Test. - Create a backup for your company data file
through QuickBooks. - Choose QuickBooks Test as the location to store
the backup. - Restore the backup of the company file.
- If the error doesnt appear, the backup can be
run as the primary company file. - Rename the old company file to avoid confusion
and rewriting.
7Situation 2 QuickBooks error 6000, 83 occurs
while restoring the Data file.
- If the error appears while restoring the backup
of the file, then follow the steps given below - Locate the backup file in the folder where the
QuickBooks files are stored. - Rename the file. Avoid blank spaces and special
characters in the name. - Rename the folder.
- Close the window and reboot the system.
- Restore the company file backup in QuickBooks.
8Situation 3 File is stored on a Windows server
and QuickBooks error 6000, 83 arises.
- This issue can be fixed by reviewing the hosting
settings on all the devices by the following
steps - Access QuickBooks on any workstation of your
network. - Click on the File menu, scroll down to Utilities
and choose the Stop Hosting Multi- User Access
option (if listed). - Open QuickBooks on the host system.
- Click on the File menu, scroll down to Utilities
and click on Host Multi- User Access. - Reopen the menu and click on the Stop Hosting
Multi-User Access option. - Repeat the process and choose Host Multi-User
Access to reset the Multi-user mode.
9Situation 4 Manual fixing of the error if caused
by Third-party permissions.
- Run QuickBooks File Doctor to identify and
rectify the error. - Update QuickBooks to the latest version.
- Manage the Anti-Virus or Firewall Configuration
for QuickBooks. - Check permissions to access the QuickBooks
company file. - Scan QuickBooks company file.
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- As compared to other errors of QuickBooks,
QuickBooks error code 6000, 83 is not a
complicated error. However, the complications
might increase if not treated in a proper manner
at the right time. The above solutions can
troubleshoot the error within a few minutes, but
if it doesnt happen so and the errors keep
re-occurring, it is recommended to reach out to
our team of professionals. Our team works 247 to
provide expert QuickBooks services.
12 Source https//rj933259.wixsite.com/qbserrorc