Title: Hair Restoration Market: 3 Popular Restoration Techniques
1Hair Restoration Market 3 Popular Restoration
- According to Inkwood Research, the global
hair restoration market is expected to record
a CAGR of 14.16 during the forecast period,
2022-2030. Hair restoration is a - cosmetic procedure performed for significant hair
loss, bald spots, and thinning hair. The - rising prevalence of hair loss conditions
like alopecia primarily drives hair
restoration procedures. - In this regard, here are 3 popular hair
restoration techniques - Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT / STRIP)
- The Follicular Unit Transplant technique,
also known as the strip method, is a
highly - practiced and well-established surgical
method for hair restoration. It is a
technique wherein a thin strip of healthy
hair-bearing skin is collected from a permanent
scalp area, typically at the back of the head,
and transplanted to a hair loss area. The cost of
FUT varies with regard to the patient and the
area of baldness. It is generally calculated per
the size of the recipient area.
2- The best candidates for FUT are men with
androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness). The
surgery helps cover a receding hairline
brought on by alopecia. Moreover, the - surgery is considered safe and can give a natural
look. - Advantages of Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)
- Natural Look
- Requires few sessions even for larger bald
patches - Low Resection Rate
- Perfect Imitation
- Saves Time
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
- In the Follicular Unit Extraction technique, an
individual follicular unit is randomly culled - from the scalp from the donor areas with
less noticeable thinning. The two FUE hair
transplant types include Robotic FUE and Manual
FUE. - A manual FUE hair transplant is performed
by a physician using handheld devices for
individual hair follicles extraction. Whereas in
the robotic FUE procedure, the physician uses a
robotic hair transplant device. The desired
donor area is mapped by the physician
after selecting the required amount of
area. The harvesting step is then completed
by the ARTAS robot. - Such technological innovations make the
procedure safer and faster and add
advantages to the procedure, positively
impacting the FUE segment growth. For
instance, Venus Concept Inc merged with
Venus Concept Ltd and added ARTAS System to
the latters device portfolio.
3Laser therapy, often associated with
removing body hair, is becoming increasingly
popular as a medical procedure for hair loss. In
this regard, low-level laser therapy, also known
as cold laser therapy and red light therapy,
radiates photons into scalp tissues. The weak
cells absorb these photons for hair growth. It is
a less invasive, tolerable, safe, and widely
accepted procedure. The theory is that
low-dose laser treatments revitalize
stimulation and circulation, invigorating hair
follicles to grow. The laser therapy segment
growth is attributed to the growing
research and product launches
developments. For instance, LG Electronics
Inc launched a hair loss treatment
device in South Korea in October
2020. Also, advanced products like
REVIAN uses the power of light for hair
regeneration through the bodys natural
ability to fasten healing and renew cells that
grow hair. Hair Restoration Market Future A
Patchy Road Ahead? Cosmetic surgeries and
procedures have attempted to ease the hair loss
burden in the last decade. However, hair
transplants and surgeries are expensive, and
at times, painful. Consequently, there have
been attempts to apply the latest
advancements in genetic engineering to the
age-old problem of baldness. This has resulted in
the creation of new hair-forming cells that
can restore the ability to grow hair, as
per an MIT Technology Review blog. Besides,
some researchers are using the techniques
to grow human hair cells in labs and
animals. For instance, dNovo, a startup, has
managed to sprout a thick cluster of human
hair in a mouse through the transplant of
human hair stem cells. As per the
startups founder, they can produce the
components of hair follicles by genetically
reprogramming ordinary cells like fat or blood
cells. Moreover, they are hopeful that this could
eventually treat hair loss underlying cause.
4However, as per experts, more than adequate
research is warranted before arriving at this
vantage point. Given that the current
scenario of hair loss treatments is
perhaps brighter than before, there are still
some fundamental questions regarding the science
of hair growth that need to be answered.
For now, the growing innovations for
hair restoration procedures influence the global
hair restoration market growth opportunities. FA
Qs What causes hair loss? Alopecia is the
leading cause of hair loss. It is caused by an
inherited genetic predisposition that causes hair
fall with age. The other causes include
autoimmune disorders, scalp psoriasis,
medications treatments, scalp infection, and
hormonal imbalance. Which are the key players in
the global hair restoration market? Aderans
Company Limited, Elite Hair Restoration, and
Bernstein Medical are among the key players in
the global hair restoration market.