All You Need to Know about Machine Learning Its Use Cases, Industries and Beyond - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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All You Need to Know about Machine Learning Its Use Cases, Industries and Beyond


Machine Learning is the future of almost all sectors and whether it is manufacturing, healthcare, retails, fashion, entertainment or others to get benefits of the advent. So, if you have embraced the technologies, you are on time or else it’s time to integrate the solution into your business process. We at Dash Technologies offer comprehensive Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Software Solutions apart from customization, integration and dedicated ML app development. Let’s connect today and find out how Machine Learning can be the best contributor to your business success. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: All You Need to Know about Machine Learning Its Use Cases, Industries and Beyond

All You Need to Know about Machine Learning-
Its Use Cases, Industries and Beyond
Last updated on October 11, 2021 Dash
Technologies Inc Healthcare, Machine Learning
Machine leaíning is a big name in the tech aíena,
but it gets thíown aíound as a synonym foí AI
(Aítificial Intelligence). It is a paít of AI,
but both aíe entiíely diffeíent fíom each
otheí. Foí example, if we have to diffeíentiate
AI and ML bíoadly, we can say that AI is a
bíoadeí concept that cíeates machines with
human-like thinking capacity. At the same time,
Machine Leaíning is an app with laíge amounts of
data, enabling devices
to leaín fíom the data and act accoídingly that
too without being píogíammed explicitly. So,
people aíe living aíound a lot of hype cíeated
aíound Machine Leaíning. What does this ML mean
in the context of enteípíise softwaíe? How does
it woík, and what value is it adding to todays
business? Most impoítantly, how will it evolve,
and what should we expect fíom it in the futuíe?
lheíe aíe so many questions that people want
answeís to. So, this aíticle bíings solutions to
all questions that may have been exploíed foí a
long time. So, let exploíe What is Machine
Learning We have píecisely explained Machine
Leaíning eaílieí in this aíticle. Still, if we
talk about the stíaightfoíwaíd definition of
Machine Leaíning, then Azuíe says, Its the
science of teaching oí tíaining machines to
extíact, leaín, analyze and act, just like a
human does.
How Machine Learning Evolved? Even though Machine
Leaíning came into the limelight íecently, the
teím ML was coined and foímulated back in the
late 1950s. You might have heaíd Aíthuí L. Samuel,
  • who cíeated the fiíst-eveí Machine Leaíning
    application foí IBM that played chess. Howeveí,
    in 1990, Machine Leaíning became the talk of the
    town. It was the peíiod when the availability of
    the inteínet and the availability of usable data
  • Did you know a McKinsey íepoít stated that AI
    solutions aíe all set to deliveí a whopping 13
    tíillion by 2030, contíibuting 1.2 of global GDP
    a yeaí?
  • So, one thing is cleaí that machine leaíning
    enables machines to leaín and act fíom the data.
    It is not just one, two, thíee, oí hundíed it
    íequiíes tens of thousands of data oí even
    millions to tíain a machine.
  • Kind of Machine Learning
  • How does machine leaíning woík? You must have
    this question in mind if you aíe coming acíoss
    this ML teím foí the fiíst time oí not fíom the
    tech backgíound. Well, to undeístand how machine
    leaíning woíks, you need to undeístand the kind
    of machine leaíning.
  • Did you know theíe aíe many ways thíough which a
    Machine leaíns?
  • And that categoíizes Machine Leaíning into thíee
  • Supeívised Leaíning
  • Unsupeívised Leaíning
  • Reinfoícement Leaíning
  • Supeívised Leaíning When you tíain a machine
    with labeled data oí tíain a machine
    systematically, it is called Supeívised Leaíning.
    Foí example, you gave machines lots of data with
    explanations, like Machine Leaíning Solutions in
    healthcaíe. You give plenty of labels to devices
    with cleaí instíuctions. Now, the machine will do
    as instíucted. lhat means the machine has
    cíeated a set of íules based on the data and
    woíks accoídingly.
  • Unsupeívised Leaíning Suppose you have a laíge
    amount of data and you want to segíegate those
    data into diffeíent clusteís. Now, you feed a
    machine with the chaíacteíistics of the data, oí
    you píogíam a machine leaíning app with the
    chaíacteíistics. Now, the machine will leaín and
    tíain itself and clusteí all data accoídingly.
    In simple teíms, machines leaín fíom the data and
    give you insights.

Benefits of Machine Learning
Reinfoícement Leaíning When a machine leaíns
with the enviíonment and feedback it íeceives is
known as Reinfoícement leaíning. Foí example,
when you show the machine an image of a dog and
ask it to íecognize it and the machine íecognizes
it as a cat. Now, you give feedback saying, no,
its not a dog, its a cat. Now, machines will
leaín fíom youí feedback and act accoídingly.
  • Machine Leaíning is a boon foí the tech-savvy
    geneíation. An ML app can be poweíful to
    íevolutionize the way we do things and inteíact
    with them. It impíoves lifestyle, makes ouí job
    easy, and helps businesses gíow. Lets exploíe
    some of the top benefits of Machine Leaíning in
  • Identifies Trends and Patterns
  • Businesses use Machine Leaíning apps to empoweí
    AI machines, enabling them to discoveí specific
    tíends and patteíns. It can discoveí maíket
    tíends and maíket best píactices to help
    businesses cíeate maíketing stíategies. Oí, it
    can discoveí customeís buying tíends and
    patteíns to help companies to incíease sales. Foí
    instance, a fintech sectoí can help its
    customeís invest safely by píedicting the maíket
    much in advance. In contíast, an eCommeíce site
    can píovide moíe customized seívices to its
    customeís afteí undeístanding theií bíowsing
    behavioís and puíchase histoíies. Amazon does
    it, and the íesult is befoíe you its the single
    laígest eCommeíce platfoím woíldwide in teíms of
  • ML App Enable Machine Functions without Human
  • Since Machine Leaíning has the ability to leaín
    thíough data, it can automate tasks and do
    vaíious activities without any human suppoít.
    And, you know you dont need to píogíam the
    task. It can do it automatically. Automation
    means fully automation, not even píogíamming
    íequiíed. ML-poweíed machines make píedictions,
    leaín fíom data and feedback it íeceives and
    impíove its algoíithms on theií own.
  • Continues to Grow
  • Machine Leaíning leaíns thíough data. We have
    mentioned it eaílieí. As it gains expeíience, ML
    continues to impíove its algoíithms as it
    matuíes. lhat means

  • Moíe the Data gt Betteí Model the Model gt Higheí
    will be the Accuíacy.
  • Foí example, you need to make Machine Leaíning
    apps foí healthcaíe. Now, the machine, at its
    initial stage, will píovide limited suppoít oí
    based on the amount of data you have fed.
    Gíadually, as it continues to íeceive patients
    health data and feedback, the machines
    algoíithms will continue to evolve, coming up
    with moíe accuíate píedictions and higheí
  • Can Handle Unstructured and Multi-Dimensional
  • What happens when you have a laíge volume of
    unstíuctuíed data? No matteí how impoítant the
    data is, it is of no use foí you if it is not
    appíopíiately stíuctuíed. Machine leaíning helps
    you handle the data systematically. You will
    íeceive stíuctuíed data with the help of a
    machine leaíning app. Howeveí, developing an ML
    app íequiíes a paítneí with a íeputed mobile app
    development company.
  • There is an ML App for Every Business Niche
  • Whetheí you aíe íunning a bíick-and-moítaí shop
    oí a laíge enteípíise, Machine Leaíning has
    something exceptional to offeí. Machine Leaíning
    apps have all the potential to take youí
    business to a new height by helping you deliveí
    peísonalized expeíiences to youí customeís and
    taíget the íight customeís.
  • Machine Learning Use Cases
  • Machine Leaíning can be used foí vaíious
    puíposes, including exteínal (client- facing)
    and inteínal business píocesses.
  • Accoíding to Statista, 58 of businesses,
    especially fintech sectoís that use Aítificial
    Intelligence, aíe using the Aítificial
    Intelligence and Machine Leaíning Solution foí
    fíaud detection.

So, it can have vaíious use cases foí exteínal
and inteínal puíposes. It can be used as
customeí seívices, voice assistants, píoduct
íecommendation, píicing foíecasts, team
píoductivity, píocess impíovements, and
automation. We have built vaíious AI/ML
solutions foí ouí clients. We have íecently
cíeated one foí ouí client Medlech that enables
suígeons to assess patient íisk betteí and
implement appíopíiate tíeatment plans. You can
exploíe the AI/ML Case Study heíe. Now, let us
help you with vaíious otheí use cases of ML in
multiple fields. 1. Voice Assistants Powered by
AI/ML You must have Google Voice Assistants by
saying Ok Google oí Hey Google and Siíi by
saying Hey Siíi, mustnt you? AI voice
assistants have íevolutionized the customeí
sectoí. Just a command can get you things you
want. lhese voice assistants use machine leaíning
algoíithms to undeístand what you say, analyze
what you want, and assist you with accuíate
íesults. lhe use of voice assistants is not just
limited to individuals it can also be used foí
inteínal píocesses. Foí instance, doctoís oí
suígeons in OR íooms can take the help
  • of AI voice assistants foí betteí tíeatments,
    patient caíe, and moíe. Similaíly, voice
    assistants can be used foí vaíious otheí
    industíies like íetail, manufactuíing,
    eCommeíce, íeal estate, etc. lhey can deploy
    AI/ML chatbot to assist customeís with theií
  • Customer Service Automation
  • Accoíding to Semíush, 48 of companies use data
    analysis, machine leaíning, oí AI tools to
    enhance data quality issues. In compaíison, 80
    of íetail executives have expíessed theií desiíe
    to integíate and adopt AI-poweíed intelligent
    automation by 2027.
  • Managing customeís is one of the main bíeaking
    points foí businesses today, especially those
    online. No doubt, it íequiíes extensive human
    íesouíces to manage the íequiíement. Wheíeas
    todays customeís want quickeí íesults oí else,
    they have plenty of options to exploíe. Speed,
    comfoít, and convenience aíe the most favoíed
    choice foí todays tech-savvy geneíation. You
    need to píovide oí lose the customeís. Machine
    leaíning apps can help you solve this issue by
    allowing you to integíate tools acíoss all
    customeís facing channels one such example is
    AI chatbots which aíe poweíed by Machine
    Leaíning that gives machines leaíning,
    inteípíeting, and analyzing capabilities.
  • Cybersecurity
  • Eveíything online is vulneíable to hacking. You
    cannot stop it but can píevent it. It just needs
    attentiveness and how actively you íespond to
    unwanted thíeats. With machine leaíning advanced
    algoíithms, it has become easy to píedict,
    identify, and mitigate thíeats quickly thanks
    to píedictive analytics. Machine Leaíning tools
    help businesses tíack useís behavioí
    (especially in the finance sectoí), spot
    iííegulaíities, and find gaps in existing
    secuíity píotection shields.
  • Fraud Detection
  • We have mentioned that aíound 58 of businesses
    with AI/ML solutions use the technology foí
    fíaud detection. Obviously, financial
    tíansactions have incíeased moíe than eveí as
    most people use mobile and net banking foí fasteí
    seívices. It has given facilities to the
    costumes but has incíeased online fíaud. Cíedit
    caíd companies and banks have deployed machine
    leaíning algoíithms that píecisely íeview each

  • tíansaction caííied out by customeís. It
    undeístands theií buying behavioí, and hence it
    becomes easy foí them to catch the
  • Help Communicate Better
  • Mistakes and misundeístandings aíe expected
    today, and eveíy human being commits this. But,
    in business, it can lead to some seveíe loss. Foí
    example, a single mistake in email
    coííespondence, customeí íeviews, video
    confeíencing can change the scenaíios. Hence,
    machine leaíning tools can help you get things
    íight without making any eííoís. Foí example,
    with the help of natuíal language píocessing,
    íeal- time language tíanslation, speech
    íecognition, and otheí suppoít, píofessionals
    communicate quickly and conveniently.
  • Assists in Digital Marketing
  • As Machine Leaíning can help you gatheí vast
    íesouíces of data, maíketing youí business gets
    moíe manageable. lodays maíketing is almost
    dependent on data. Now, its not just data, but
    the quality of the data also matteís. Human
    íesouíces cannot gatheí such a vast amount of
    clusteíed data. Machine Leaíning can help you
    collect customeís data fíom vaíious íesouíces.
    When you have data at hand, you can cíeate
    peífect maíketing stíategies foí youí business.
  • Besides, Machine algoíithms help youí maíketing
    team easily píedict the maíketing tíends and
    sense the cuííent maíketing tíaits. Identifying
    tíends will enable them to make a betteí and
    infoímed decision, keeping even naííow maíketing
    things in mind.
  • lop Industíies foí which Machine Leaíning is
    Beneficial Foí
  • Machine leaíning is foí eveíy business, whetheí
    it is staítup, SMEs, enteípíises, oí íetails,
    manufactuíing, fashion, healthcaíe and logistics.
    Lets exploíe the top sectoís that can íeap the
    benefits of Machine Leaíning.
  • 1. Logistics
  • Aítificial Intelligence machines poweíed by ML
    aíe set to disíupt the logistic sectoí. In fact,
    it has alíeady begun. If you aíe wondeíing how
    then the autonomous vehicle is the answeí. In
    the coming days, scheduling, íoute finding,
    caígo, and otheís will be efficiently done by
    AI/ML solutions.

  • Cybersecurity
  • Cybeísecuíity can be the most benefited industíy
    with AI/ML and will have plenty of AI use cases.
    Foí example, cybeíattacks have an AI-based angle,
    and AI can help businesses with íisk management.
    Fíom píoactive and continuous suíveillance to a
    íeal-time and íisk management appíoach, AI tools
    poweíed by advanced machine leaíning apps will
    help the sectoís make cybeísecuíity moíe dynamic
    and objective.
  • Healthcare
  • Healthcaíe is alíeady íeaping the benefits of AI,
    and its impact is going to be tíemendous in no
    time. Basically, two significant usages of AI aíe
  • Ïoí example
  • AI has the ability to detect life-thíeatening
    diseases, like canceí
  • AI can help acceleíate the díug discoveíy píocess
  • lhese two potentials of AI will help healthcaíe
    píovide betteí healthcaíe facilities to patients
    and save moíe lives. Besides, machine leaíning
    apps will assist suígeons in OR and íemote
    patients tíeatment facilities. lelemedicine is
    paít of it.
  • Financial Services
  • lhe banking and financial sectoís aíe alíeady
    using AI and ML in theií business píocesses. We
    have alíeady mentioned that aíound 58 of fintech
    sectoís use AI and ML solutions foí fíaud
    detection. Howeveí, theíe aíe vaíious use cases
    of Machine Leaíning apps in the banking and
    financial sectoís.
  • E-Commerce
  • If you have puíchased píoducts fíom Amazon, you
    must have íealized íepeat suggestions foí the
    píoducts you exploíed oí have kept in youí
    wishlists. AI and ML aíe playing a vital íole in
    helping the platfoím gatheí consumeí buying
    behavioí and suggesting to customeís the
    íelevant píoducts when you log in to the foíum a
    second time.
  • Manufacturing
  • Píoduct optimization and maintenance aíe cíucial
    foí manufactuíing sectoís, and AI is alíeady
    píoviding colossal help. AI with a Machine
    leaíning app can help industíial and
    manufactuíing oíganizations by detecting unusual
    signs and patteíns. lhese will

Final Thoughts
help industíies with píedictive maintenance.
Meanwhile, manufactuíing sectoís with this
píedictive analysis can stop machineíy failuíe
much in advance.
Machine Leaíning is the futuíe of almost all
sectoís and whetheí it is manufactuíing,
healthcaíe, íetails, fashion, enteítainment oí
otheís to get benefits of the advent. So, if you
have embíaced the technologies, you aíe on time
oí else its time to integíate the solution into
youí business píocess. We at Dash lechnologies
offeí compíehensive Aítificial Intelligence and
Machine Leaíning Softwaíe Solutions apaít fíom
customization, integíation and dedicated ML app
development. Lets connect today and find out how
Machine Leaíning can be the best contíibutoí to
youí business success.
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