Title: Why You Need a Water Softener in San Antonio and Texas Hill Country
1Why You Need a Water Softener in San Antonio and
Texas Hill Country
Source www.gaines-softwater.com
2 The water in Texas Hill Country can be hard,
especially if you live near San Antonio, which is
one of the fastest growing cities in the country.
Source www.gaines-softwater.com
3Water Hardness San Antonio is known for its hard
water. Hard-water sources contain a high
concentration of dissolved minerals, especially
calcium and magnesium.
Source www.gaines-softwater.com
4 Problems Caused by Hard Water Hard water can
also cause scratches on sinks, tubs, and toilets,
as well as stains on dishware.
Source www.gaines-softwater.com
5How Water Softeners Work The resin molecules
bond with hard minerals, creating ions called
positive chelants that are too large to pass
through water filters.
Source www.gaines-softwater.com
6Who Can Benefit from Water Softeners? As such,
anyone living in or visiting San Antonio or Texas
Hill Country may be able to benefit from
installing a water softener. The following
information will help you determine if its right
for you.
Source www.gaines-softwater.com
7Installation Process Water softeners are
relatively easy to install, taking around 2-3
hours for an experienced plumber. A water
softener is a good investment if youre concerned
about too much hardness in your water causing
problems with appliances.
Source www.gaines-softwater.com
8If you have any questions about new water
softener installations call at 210-635-7418, for
free Water Softener Installation services in San
Antonio and Texas Hill Country.
Gaines Soft Water 15722 U.S. Highway 181 San
Antonio, TX 78223-9759 PH 210-635-7418