Title: Frequently Asked Questions in a Google Certified Cloud Architect Interview
1Frequently Asked Questions in a Google Certified
Cloud Architect Interview
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3Cloud computing has grown in importance as
technology advances and becomes a more integral
part of our daily lives. There are many cloud
providers to choose from like AWS, Microsoft
Azure, GCP, and more. However, Google Cloud
Platform (GCP) is a widely used cloud computing
platform for several reasons, such as its
convenient, easy-to-use tools and services. This
increased use of GCP increases the demand for
professionals who can operate in GCP. One such
professional is a Cloud Architect. A Cloud
Architect is critical in the development of an
organizations computing strategy. A Cloud
Architects primary responsibility is to provide
development teams with cloud infrastructure
expertise. They manage cloud environments and
provide expert guidance to development teams in
an organization, armed with a thorough
understanding of cloud concepts, networking, and
security. So here are frequently asked questions
in a Google Certified Cloud Architect interview
questions and answers
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4- Question 1 Name some cloud service provider
companies. - Answer For Business-to-business data analytics,
AI, and more, here are some of the best and
fastest-growing cloud service providers - Amazon Web Services
- Google Cloud Platform
- Microsoft Azure
- IBM Cloud
- Snowflake
- Salesforce
- DataRobot
- Oracle Cloud
- Question 2 How can you speed up large data
transfers on the cloud? - Answer The hybrid transfer protocol, also known
as Accelerated File Transfer Protocol (AFTP), is
one of the best methods for transferring large
data files to the cloud. This protocol is a
TCP/UDP hybrid that can increase file transfer
speeds by 100. Furthermore, poor network
conditions can sometimes prevent you from fully
exploiting the potential of big data cloud
computing. One of the best ways to deal with this
issue is to avoid using the internet for file
transfers entirely and ship portable storage
devices containing data to cloud service
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5- Question 3 Discuss the strategy for cloud
application migration. - Answer The degree of difficulty in migrating
current applications varies depending on the
architecture and existing licensing arrangements.
Some of the most important cloud migration
strategies are - Detailing the companys goals using the cloud
- Recruiting the best professionals
- Conducting a thorough business and technical
analysis of the current environment,
applications, and infrastructure - Choosing cloud distributors
- Developing a cloud framework
- Using migration models such as Lift and Shift
(Rehost) and Rearchitect (Refactor) to make your
application cloud-ready - Creating a data migration strategy
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6Question 4 What is the importance of API
gateway? Answer An API gateway is a tool for
managing APIs between clients and a collection of
backend services. The API gateway acts as a
reverse proxy, accepting all application
programming interface calls, aggregating the
various services required to fulfill them, and
returning accurate results. API gateways are a
method of decoupling the client interface from
the server-side execution. When a client makes a
request, the API gateway divides it into multiple
requests, paths them to the appropriate
locations, generates a response, and records
everything. Question 5 Why do you utilize
subnets? Answer A subnet, also known as a
subnetwork, is a segmented section of a more
extensive network. Subnets are a logical division
of an IP network into multiple, smaller network
segments, and organizations use them to divide
larger networks into smaller, more efficient
subnetworks. A subnets primary goal is to divide
a large network into a collection of smaller,
interconnected networks to reduce traffic. This
eliminates the need for traffic to take
unnecessary routes, resulting in faster network
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7- Question 6 Mention some cloud security best
practices. - Answer Cloud services are used for various
purposes in corporate environments, from storing
data to accessing productivity tools. Here are
some of the most effective cloud security
methods - Concentrate on assessing risk and gaining a
better understanding of your current situation - Protect your cloud services strategically based
on the level of risk - As new services emerge, adjust your cloud access
policiesa - Remove malware from a cloud service
- Question 7 In the cloud, what and how many
different types of deployment models are used? - Answer The various cloud computing deployment
models are as follows - Public cloud
- Private cloud
- Community cloud
- Hybrid cloud
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8Question 8 What exactly is Google Cloud
Platform? Answer The Google Cloud Platform was
created by Google. It makes its cloud systems and
computing services available to the public. GCP
offers computing, storage, big data, machine
learning, and application services for your web,
mobile, analytics, and backend solutions. It is
both global and cost-effective. It is designed to
use for security purposes. Question 9 What are
the benefits of utility computing for a
user? Answer Utility computing is a type of
pay-as-you-go and on-demand computing service.
The provider manages and operates the computing
services, and you choose which ones to use, all
of which are hosted in the cloud. Question 10
How do you ensure data is secure when youre
transferring it? Answer To ensure that the data
being transmitted is secure, make sure data is
encrypted and then check the encryption key that
has been implemented and that the data has not
been leaked.
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9Question 11 What security features does the
cloud provide? Answer The following are some of
the important security features that the cloud
provides Identity management It allows the
application services to be authorized. Access
control It allows users to control who has
access to other users in the cloud
ecosystem. Authentication and authorization This
security feature restricts only authenticated and
authorized user access to applications and
data. Question 12 In cloud computing, what are
system integrators? Answer The cloud can be made
up of various complex components. The cloud
system integrator strategy includes, among other
things, the process of designing the cloud and
integrating the various elements to create a
hybrid or private cloud network.
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10- Question 13 What are the different layers that
make up the cloud architecture? - Answer The following are the layers that make up
the cloud architecture - Physical layer This includes the physical
servers, network, and other aspects. - Infrastructure layer Storage, virtualized
layers, and other items are included in this
layer. - Platform layer This includes the operating
system, applications, and other features. - Application layer This is the layer with which
the end-user interacts directly. - Question 14 In the context of cloud computing,
what does EUCALYPTUS mean? - Answer EUCALYPTUS is an open-source cloud
computing infrastructure for deploying cloud
clusters that stands for Elastic Utility
Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs
To Useful Systems. You can create public,
private, and hybrid cloud platforms with
EUCALYPTUS. You can even have your cloud data
center, which you can use to harness its
functionality in your company.
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11- Question 15 What is Google Compute Engine?
- Answer The Google Compute Engine is the
foundation of the Google Cloud Platform. It is
an IaaS that offers self-managed Windows and
Linux-based virtual machines hosted on the Google
infrastructure. Local, long-term storage options,
as well as KVM, can be used to run virtual
machines. - Question 16 Which open-source cloud computing
platforms are popular? - Answer The following are some of the most
important open-source cloud computing platforms - OpenStack
- Cloud Foundry
- Docker
- Apache Mesos
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12- Question 17 What are the various types of
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)? - Answer The following are the two most common
types of software as a service - Single-Tenant This type of SaaS provides you
with independent resources that you do not share
with anyone. - Multi-Tenant Even though the functionalities
remain the same, resources in this type of SaaS
deployment are shared among multiple tenants. - Question 18 What exactly is a project in the
context of Google cloud? - Answer Projects are vessels that house all of
Google Computes resources. They are the worlds
compartments and are not intended for resource
sharing. Projects can have multiple users and
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13Question 19 Explain the difference between cloud
elasticity and cloud scalability in cloud
computing. Answer
Cloud Scalability Cloud Elasticity
? Scalability in the cloud is intended to handle increasing workloads where strong performance is also required to work efficiently with software or apps. ? Elasticity refers to a clouds ability to automatically expand or compress infrastructural resources in response to sudden increases or decreases in demand, allowing for efficient workload management.
? Scalability is typically employed when permanent resource deployment is necessary to address the workload effectively. ? This elasticity aids in the reduction of infrastructure costs.
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14Question 20 Why is a virtualization platform
required to implement the cloud? Answer Virtualiz
ation makes it easy to create virtual versions of
storage, operating systems, applications, and
networks, among other things. Using the right
virtualization can supplement your existing
infrastructure, and on existing servers, you can
run multiple applications and operating
systems. Google Cloud Architect with
InfosecTrain Google Cloud Architect certification
validates your technical knowledge of cloud
technologies. Join InfosecTrain for your Google
Cloud Architect certification training course to
advance your career. The certification training
will help you gain a comprehensive understanding
of the Google Cloud architecture and platform and
demonstrate your ability to design, develop, and
manage scalable, robust, highly available,
secure, and dynamic solutions for achieving
business goals.
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- Established in 2016, we are one of the finest
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company - Wide range of professional training programs,
certifications consulting services in the IT
and Cyber Security domain - High-quality technical services, certifications
or customized training programs curated with
professionals of over 15 years of combined
experience in the domain
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