Title: How To Decide The Weight (Or Size) Of Genuine Precious Gemstone?
1How To Decide The Weight (Or Size) Of Genuine
Precious Gemstone?
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Weighing a gemstone or measuring it is never a
task as we have all the instruments to do that
for us once we have the gemstone in our hands.
However, when that precious gemstone is in a
jewelry setting, or we can say it is studded in
a particular jewelry piece, it becomes tough to
decide the actual weight and size of the
gemstone. Also, it is important to know the
weight and size because you ultimately pay for
the stone based on its weight and size.
Therefore, we often get confused if we are
paying for the metal in a jewelry piece or for
the stone, and hence, sometimes we also get
cheated. Therefore, to avoid all such issues, it
is necessary to learn how to identify the
stone's correct weight.
2Size of Gemstone Matters Whenever we think of
buying a gemstone, we often get confused about
what size. Of course, we can get many genuine
precious stones, from healing benefits to
customising the jewellery. However, the point is
how we can choose the right size or the weight
of the gemstone beads. Well, you don't have to
worry, this guide will surely help.
Here are some quick tips that will help you
decide the gemstone's weight in a jewelry
set. Step 1- Measure the gem
3To know the weight of a particular gemstone, it
is really important first to understand its
size. You can try to measure the gemstone's size
even in the jewelry set with the help of a scale
or measuring tape. However, even if you get the
approximate size of the gemstone, it is valuable
data to identify the weight of the natural
gemstone. Once you know the gemstone's size and
are aware of the shape, you should record all
its propositions. Now you need to look for the
specific gravity for the stone, which will help
you find the weight of the stone. Step 2- Use
formulas to calculate the weight There are
specific mathematical formulas that help you
quickly calculate a particular gemstone's weight
once you have its size, shape, and information
about its cut. You can use these formulas to
calculate the weight of any raw gemstone.
Moreover, it is really important to know which
procedure to use. You can also take the help of
the experts so that you use the right formula.
And even the internet has much information on
these formulas, so, you can read and get to
know. The ultimate result of the calculation will
be in carats as the gemstones are measured in
carats. Step 3 - Adjust Your Gem Weight
Estimate If you want to get the accurate weight
of the loose gemstone, then it is very important
to make sure that the gemstone you are
calculating the weight for is in equal
proportion. If it is not well-proportioned, and
you feel it is thick from any side because of
its shape, there are specific guidelines on how
you can subtract a
4few per cent of the weight for a particular
thickness and get the accurate weight of the
gemstones. You can always refer to the rules
while doing the calculation. Conclusion It is
not that difficult to decide the weight and size
of any gemstone, be it diamond rose cut or
quartz gemstone. All you need is the correct
measurements and the right set of formulas to
calculate. Of course, you can always refer to
all the information available on the internet for
an easy calculation. And you can also take the
help of the expert Jewelers, such as Prismatic
gems, for the accurate weight.