Title: Stay on top of the customer’s experience in the 5G era
1 Stay on top of the customers
experience in the 5G era
2 Stay on top of the customers experience in the
5G era
Over the last couple of years, digital
transformation has become the highest priority
for most of the clients. What it used to be for
the tech world or retail, it has now become the
buzzword for every industry. Right from
manufacturing, retailers, healthcare and life
sciences, everyone is embarking on their true
investment in digital transformation, and most
importantly, on the customer experience side of
it. Digital assurance is more important than
ever. Organizations have to deliver innovation,
they have to deliver it fast and it has to be
great, just good enough will not
suffice. Digital Assurance done right ensures
the speed and quality that have become the
imperative of any digital transformation. But
doing digital assurance right is not simply a
factor of proper test plans, use of automation
and tools, viable test data, etc. While of course
those are all vital elements, the nature of
digital, and specifically, the significantly
increased focus on digital engagement with the
customer (i.e., the customer experience), creates
the mandate that we must now seriously consider
the voice of the customer (VOC) in the definition
of digital assurance. Digital Assurance is not
static. Shifting-right is now just as important
as shifting-left. We have to be using tools and
techniques such as digital experience
monitoring to capture and report back on these
real- time experience metrics. Digital assurance
is not a linear path with a starting point and an
end point when done right, it is an always on
3 Stay on top of the customers experience in the
5G era
- Why should you watch the webinar?
- The 2020 Gartner Market Guide for Digital
Experience Monitoring predicts that By 2025, 70
of digital business initiatives will require
enterprises to report on digital experience. - Assuring a digital experience while keeping up
with technological upgrades is critical for
todays global organizations. 5G is one such
technology that will play a fundamental role and
also create opportunities to transform the
digital experience. - In this virtual event, you have the opportunity
to learn from global thought leaders how 5G will
transform digital experiences. Deep dive into the
evolution of connected data sources, measurement,
and analysis of pre, post and real-time data to
predict customers digital experiences. - Cigniti has incorporated 5G Assurance into our
overall Digital Assurance strategy and, as part
of this, has established a capability that
provides 5G automated testing, monitoring,
measurements, and analytics. We support a broad
range of applications that can be live-monitored
and tested - End Device Applications
- Edge Compute Applications
- Distributed Applications
- Special Hardware Applications
- Network Applications
4 Stay on top of the customers experience in the
5G era
Organizations now have an easy and cost-effective
platform to test on a 5G network, whether that be
the much-needed validation of how your current
apps will work on 5G or building out your next
generation apps that will take advantage of the
promise of 5G. Paired with our Digital Experience
Monitoring solution, they also now have the
real-time visibility and predictability of the
end-user experience to round out their digital
assurance strategy. Cigniti, being a worldwide
leader in independent quality engineering services
, is a strong advocate of quality assurance and
its implementation right from the initial stages
of the software lifecycle. We encourage customer
feedback and believe in including such feedback
in our broader quality assurance approach. We
take great measures to make sure that we are
fully equipped with state-of-the-art services and
have partnered with other experts that specialize
in providing testing services. Talk to us. Read
Full Blog at https//www.cigniti.com/blog/custom