Title: Guru Swarup Srivastava Has a Plan to Create a Film (1)
1Guru Swarup Srivastava Has a Plan to Create a
Guru Swarup Srivastava has another big project.
Mr Srivastava, a philanthropist and art
enthusiast, turned entrepreneur, came to the
headlines just a few years ago because of his
association with the renowned painter, MF
Hussain. For 100 crore rupees, he acquired the
maestro's best 100 paintings. That was the age
when individuals from businesses and industries
bought artworks at such high rates. Mr
Srivastava demonstrated the dignity of his
European peers as the work and outstanding
artworks of leading national painters and
artists. He will give the film an international
prominence nobody had imagined before. Lord Rama
is one of Hindus' most adored person. He is Lord
Vishnu's seventh incarnation. Lord Rama, born in
Treta Yuga, is as important even today. Lord
Rama's teaching and idealism keeps our lives
pure and allows us to comprehend the
significance of mutual sympathy. The life and
works of Lord Rama, who taught the world, are
all about Ramayana. Lord Rama's life teaches
people's obligations and obligations. The
personification of justice or "Dharma" is thought
to be Lord Rama. Naturally, a film on this
magnificent life would fascinate the audience.
The world will want to know this moral and just
picture, Guru Swarup Srivastava. No one has ever
considered making a film about Lord Rama on such
a grand scale before. To think in this way
requires a great deal of bravery. Every Hindu
looks up to Lord Rama as an example. His lessons
go on and on. His life is a lesson in and of
itself. Ramayana is so closely associated with
Hinduism that it is a part of nearly every
Hindu's life. Lord Rama is one of
2India's greatest treasures. The Ramayana depicts
Lord Rama's everlasting beliefs. Ramayana's
teachings are extremely important. Guru Swarup
Srivastava wishes for the world to comprehend
the actual meaning of the Ramayana. Lord Rama's
lessons are still applicable today. Lord Rama is
the way to "Dharma" that the world needs. Guru
Swarup Srivastava wants the world to understand
Ramayana's genuine essence. Today, Lord Rama's
teachings are incredibly important. "Dharma" is
the way the world needs, and Lord Rama is this
way. The seventh avatar of Hindu God Lord Vishnu
is Lord Rama (Ramchandra) and one of the most
famous Hindu rulers. The Hindu Ramayana epic is
focused entirely on Lord Rama's life and
achievements. Lord Rama's works reflect the
duties and duties of an ideal man and monarch.
Sri Ramachandra's life represents the rewards of
achieving his religious "Dharma" responsibility
as a divinity of Hinduism. Lord Rama is
respected. It is known as the "Maryada
Purushottam", meaning a "personality which
reflects human duties and obligation." He also
intends to develop a cinematography film based on
the Ramayan theme. The Ramayana is one of the
most well-known historical stories with a moral
message for humankind. Guru Swarup Srivastava
intends to begin filming in October. He is about
to begin his first cinematography project. The
film 'Ramayan,' with its powerful visual
effects, would break across religious and
political divisions and give a lasting response
to the younger generation. Ram and Sita would
present their figures to the world as the
pinnacle of society and community, exemplifying
the perfect way of life. The canvas of the film
includes and touches every one of our countrymen
in various ways.