Title: Major Advantages of Using PWA for Shopify Stores
1Major Advantages of Using PWA for Shopify Stores
2About PWA
- Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is a popular software
concept launched by Google that has taken normal
web apps to a new level on desktop and mobile.
Service personnel, web app disclosures,
push-notifications, HTTPS, app shells, etc.
Google's PWA policies execute these advanced
solutions to strictly fit the following
standards - Trustworthy
- Quick
- Engaging
3Benefits of Applying Progressive Web Apps for
Shopify Stores
4Easy In Development
According to specialized developers, progressive
web apps are fairly simple to develop, despite
the impressive stack of technologies involved
(again, app shells, push notifications, etc.).
Native software is still more difficult to create
because developers need to know specific
specialized mobile platforms rather than going
with the usual JS, CSS, and HTML. For the same
reason, in the case of PWA, developers no longer
need to create a separate code base
5No Need of Advertisement
PWAs are more accessible overall, reaching your
general target audience, without any promotional
cost. Progressive web apps are also better
indexed by search engines In addition to high
performance, Google also pays attention to a
security protocol - all advanced web applications
use HTTPS by default. We can say that PWAs
"promote themselves" to display something from
their Shopify store, a user only needs to share
the link (you don't need to install the
Due to cross-platform technology, you can develop
a solution that will work on any device and
support any platform through any preferred
browser. Therefore implementing shopify PWA is
very beneficial.
7Excess Interactivity
As we know, PWA also works at low speed or
without a network connection. The PWA app allows
for faster loading of content. And offline access
increases conversion rates in the long run
because even if there is no access to the
network, the user will still be able to add stuff
to the cart or implement other target functions.
8Engaging User Experience
PWA provides an unmatched level of user
experience, which means that visitors to your
store most likely want to return again. For
example, users can add bookmarks and save their
favorite PWA on the home screen without
installing the app. PWA does not need to be
either installed or update.
9Enhancing User Safety
PWA is considered a highly secure web solution,
in large part due to HTTPS reinforcement.
10Cost-efficient Development
PWA development costs much less than native
software development, meaning that this format is
the best solution for customers who do not have
the opportunity to order full-fledged application
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