Title: Tallit for Women - Popular Prayer Shawls Colors
1Tallit for Women - Popular Prayer Shawls Colors
Starting a few decades ago, tallit for women were
made with a white base and some delicate white or
cream decorations. As time passed, baby blue and
royal blue colors were introduced into the prayer
shawl's color scheme, along with faded, baby pink
and some delicate lilac. These three basic
colors, in their delicate and feminine version,
beautifully upgrade any tallit for women choice.
The bat mitzvah girl, parents or grand parents
will all feel comfortable with these harmonies
choices, when used in proportion and accurately
in the tallit's pattern.
3As more options were added for fabric painting
and production tecqniques, new tallit for women
designs started showing up. With more creative
looks, the use of color has expanded from the
basic 3 "baby" colors, to more strong and lively
4The new opportunities for a modern tallit choice
include tallitot with yellow, orange, green and
darker blue and purple shawls. This enables many
girls and women to feel more festive and
fashionable during their special bat mitzvah day
and any other religious occasion they attend
5Custom Tallit Color
6Every once in a while, we receive an inquiry from
a young lady's mother or grandmother, asking if
we can make a customize tallit for women design
fro their upcoming bat mitzvah girl. The new
request may sound weird and even extreme to
experience in a religious item like the prayer
shawl, but we judge no one!
We work closely with the customer in order to
find the best design that will work out for the
young lady who dreams of a unique piece that will
compliment her overall outfit. Between 2 to 4
illustrations are prepapred and shown to the
customer. In most cases, no further search is
required as the perfect design is found at this
7Think Outside the Box
The most interesting and challenging times are
when we receive a request for a hand painted
tallit for women in a non-ordinary color for a
tallit. This can be an Orange or Black talilt
for examples.
Galilee Silks
Kibbutz Beit Haemek, 25115, Israel Phone
1-800-414-4108 info_at_galileesilks.com
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