Title: Farouk Gumel | Pushing Nigeria’s Biggest sector to its limits - Agriculture
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2Farouk Gumel- Finally, agriculture is taking its
rightful place as the sector that will take
Nigerians out of poverty and into an era of
inclusive and collective prosperity. Although the
sector employs millions of Nigerians and accounts
for an estimated 20 of the countrys GDP, many
still view supporting agriculture as a charitable
act as opposed to a business venture. This is the
simple reason why many farmers in this sector are
classified as under employed due to their mere
inability to grow beyond the subsistence level.
3Nigeria is blessed as we have the potential to
excel in all the key sub-sectors of agriculture.
We have the land and forests for farming and
grazing. We have the water (sea, lakes and
rivers) for fishing and aquaculture. We have the
capacity and the climate for livestock and
poultry production. And of course, we have the
manpower to get all this done.
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5This is all because Nigeria finally has alignment
in its fiscal, monetary and trade framework when
it comes to agriculture. Due to this, we are
moving away from the days of handing out
fertiliser and seeds to an era of providing loans
to farmers and tax incentives to investors in
food processing and logistics.
6Many organisations have bought into this new
policy direction. One of them is TGI Group who in
the last five years have commissioned a rice
mill, a multi seed oil crushing facility and a
seasoning cubes factory. They have also invested
significantly in outgrower farming and farmer
extension networks.
7Farouk Gumel, an Executive Director at TGI states
With an inclusive agricultural policy, Africa
can feed itself and create millions of Jobs.
Farouk Gumel added the fact that the majority of
Nigerians earn their livelihoods through
agriculture means the recent policy push will
positively impact millions.
8Farouk Gumel said TGI Group is already investing
millions of dollars in out grower farming
programs for rice paddy, soya beans and maize in
Nigeria. Farouk Gumel concludes that TGIs
projects will bring with it a lot of
opportunities for the people of Nigeria
especially in the rural areas. We hope as these
investments mature, they will bring peace and
prosperity to millions of people.
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