Title: Guru Swarup Srivastava Received the Prestigious James AF Award 2020
1Guru Swarup Srivastava Received the Prestigious
James AF Award 2020
India and the entire world are passing through a
tough time. Prolonged lockdown had weakened the
economy in every aspect. Productions and
revenues in every sector have reached an
alarmingly low level. This has lowered
government earning and prompted the
2companies to reduce manpower. Unemployment is at
an all-time high right now. When everything
looks tough and rugged, the dignitaries present
at the Progressive India Conclave showed how
India could take this opportunity to be the top
and most trusted economy of the world. Guru
Swarup Srivastava, the eminent industrialist, and
art lover was also present in the conclave to
receive the prestigious James AF Award 2020. The
Progressive India Conclave 2020 announced that
economic prosperity is ingrained in our system
we just need to re-explore those areas. MSME has
a huge potential to grow and make India a top
economy For centuries, India is known for its
handicrafts and indigenously manufactured
products. The Progressive India Conclave 2020 was
the joint effort of the MSME Ministry of the
Government of India, Corporate Council for
Leadership and Awareness (CCLA), and Ravi
Ebetes. The Minister of State, Mr. G. Udayan
Singh was also present in the conclave who
showed utmost hope for the Indian economy in his
speech. According to him, MSME should be spread
in every village, city, town, and lane in India.
Mr. TR Sharma, the director of MSME gave some
vital information related to the new approach and
initiatives of the Government of India. The
conclave became a source of inspiration for all
the entrepreneurs and young talents planning
startups in different sectors. Seeing top
industrialists and entrepreneurs like Guru
Swarup Srivastava receiving prestigious awards
was in itself a motivating event. India has the
talents and resources to be a major economic
hub Chief Secretary, Mr. Deepak Agarwal
emphasized the need for empowering medium and
small scale industry that are manufacturing
different products indigenously. Guru Swarup
Srivastava has been
3saying the same thing for years. He wants Indian
youths should show interest in trade and
business. There is a huge scarcity of products in
every department for which India has to depend
on imports. If indigenous sectors can work with
full potential India would be able to earn huge
foreign revenues as well. Though the Progressive
India Conclave, leaders of Indian industries
started progressing forward in search of truly
independent India.