Title: How Westlake Village Child Custody Attorney Can Help You?
1How Westlake Village Child Custody
Attorney Can Help You?
2When you are going through a divorce or
separation from your partner, one of the most
contentious aspects of the process is child
custody. When there are children under 18 between
a divorcing couple, who has physical and legal
custody of the children is often the most heated
part of the case. At the Law Offices of Ronald K.
Stitch, lawyers thoroughly understand the laws
regarding these issues. They will work diligently
to ensure that you are treated fairly and work
for the best results for your child.
3Child Custody in California is important
In the aftermath of a separation or divorce in
California, the laws strongly protect the rights
of both parents when it comes to custody and
visitation. The focus is on a child continuing to
have influence from both of their parents unless
there is a strong reason not to do so. An
experienced child custody lawyer will work with
their client to determine the following
The history of each parents relationship with
the children up to the present date Any evidence
of abuse or neglect An understanding of any
issues related to the childs health, education,
safety, and general welfare issues An evaluation
of the current status quo custody arrangement
5Many people do not realize the full extent of
what child custody entails. Your Westlake Village
child custody lawyer will let you know about both
physical and legal custody.
Physical custody refers to where their child will
live. Legal custody refers to which parent gets
to make major decisions about their childs life
(religious upbringing, education decisions,
healthcare decisions, etc.).
6When determining these types of custody, it is
important to know that there can either be shared
or sole custody arrangements for both. Parents
can share both legal and physical custody, or the
types of custody could differ. For example,
parents could share legal custody while only one
has physical custody or vice versa. These are
complex issues that need to be worked out between
both parties and their legal teams.
7It Is Time To Get Help For Your Case
When you go through a divorce or separation but
have minor children between you and the person
you are separating from, the process of child
custody can become complicated. At the Law
Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, certified family law
specialists want to ensure that you are treated
fairly. They also prioritize your childs best
interests. Their attorneys will get to work on
your behalf so you can get through this process
as smoothly as possible.
D e t a i l s
30961 Agoura Road, Suite 227 Westlake Village, CA
Phone No