Title: Quick Update On Europe Education Procedure Due To COVID – 19 Pandemic
2The outbreak of COVID-19 has put the world on
halt. All the countries have isolated themselves
to ?ght this unprecedented pandemic. A major
e?ect of this outbreak is on the Indian students
who are planning to study abroad or those who are
already in European universities. In this blog,
you will get a broad perspective about the impact
of COVID-19, how institutes around the world
conducting their classes online and more.
Impact of COVID-19 on European education.
Because of COVID-19, most of the European
countries have locked down their cities
and universities that have a?ected the regular
functionalities and educational activities. See
some of the major e?ects which have created
obstacles in the regular functioning of
3- Suspension of classes or exams As of lockdown,
regular teaching classes have been suspended or
switched into the online classes. But online
classes are not an adequate solution to it.
Universities are postponing the exams for months
until the situation gets normal. It has reduced
the e?ciency of the teaching and learning
process. - Immigration restriction Most of the countries
have closed their borders for the immigrants.
It's not clear yet when it will open. It has
disturbed the visa admission process especially
for the students who are planning to move in
2020 intake. So the student should need to keep
an eye on university updates for further
planning. - Admission Intake As the universities have
suspended classes exams, it will also a?ect on
admission and 2020 intake. First year students
are going to be badly a?ected because of the
unpredictability of the admission date. It can
also a?ect the eligibility of the students
because of any new technical change into the
admission requirements. - Admission procedures and application deadlines
COVID-19 is not only a?ecting the teaching
learning process but also the administration
work. It may be possible that universities - have to change the deadline or some other
procedure to ful?l the requirement so that they
can create an easy path to students.
4Let's see the impact COVID-19 on European
To avoid the spread of Coronavirus, All of the
European countries have shut their border and
have taken some strict action. Denmark Denmark
closed its land border and airport to prevent the
spread of COVID-19. On March 13, Denmark put the
entire country on lockdown and suspended
university activities. Finland Most of the
universities have switched to online classes and
postponed the exams until further
notice. France From 17 March, the French
government has imposed restrictive lockdown
throughout the country. French universities have
started online classes and delayed admission
activities. Rread More Admission Process Updates
In Major French Business Schools Due To COVID 19
From 16 March, the German government has imposed
a lockdown to Germany and postponed all the
essential activities. All the admission and
intake activities had suspended until further
notice. Italy Italy is the country which is badly
a?ected by COVID-19. There is not any
announcement has been made for the university
application deadline or admission
date. Lithuania From 12 March, the government
shut down the Lithuanian universities for at
least two weeks. Most of the universities have
switched to online classes. There is not any
announcement has been made for the university
application deadline or admission
date. Netherlands Most of the universities have
switched to online classes and postpones the
exams until further notice. No announcement has
been made regarding university application
- From 14 March, the Spanish government has imposed
a lockdown in Spain and shut down all the
education activities until further notice. - Sweden
- Sweden universities have switched toward the
online classes and postpone all the admission or - application deadlines.
- Switzerland
- All universities in Switzerland have suspended
teaching until 17 April and switched to the
online medium. - United Kingdom
- Most of British universities have suspended their
regular classes and moved to online classes.
Students who are stuck in the UK or unable to
return, the UK government has ext
7That's not all
Due to COVID-19, students around the world have
become quite concerned about their decision to
study abroad obviously because of their safety
reasons. There has also been some deduction in
international students. But the university's
initiative for online classes and creative way
of teaching-learning process changes the
students' perception. Now more than 61 of
students expressed their interest to study online
and the number is increasing continuously. Unive
rsities like BSBI in Germany, MCAST in Malta
other French institutes are engaging students
more e?ectively with the help of alternative
learning tools like PowerPoints, course
summaries, zoom and pre-recorded lectures. This
is a crucial phase of any educational journey
and these institutes are doing a phenomenal job
in this challenging environment. Universities'
e?orts are not only appreciable but also
inspiration among the aspirant students to choose
8The Best Part
Team Edugo Abroad is processing the student's
application by working from home. Till the
situation gets normal, 60 to 70 of the process
will be completed and the student will be
prepared for further visa procedure. So don't
delay, apply as soon as possible with Edugo
Abroad put yourself in front. Coronavirus has
a?ected the world terribly but we hope the
situation will get normal soon till then be in
regular touch with the universities and follow
all guidelines so that you can prepare yourself
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www.edugoabroad.com 604-609, Venus Amadeus,
Jodhpur Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahmedabad, India