Title: How Coronavirus Impact Abroad Studies & Precaution Tips
The outbreak of Coronavirus has put the entire
world on halt. Countries all around the world
are struggling to prevent the spread of this
deadly disease among the community. Started from
China, now it has spread its arms among all
European countries. More than 381762 people
around the world tested positive, with death
16,558. Italy, one of the most travelled
destinations, it has more than 80,589 positive
cases and unfortunately, 8215 deaths have taken
place. This data portrays the seriousness of this
To ?ght against Corona, each country is putting
itself in isolation by locking down and has shut
its door for the other counties. It has had the
biggest impacts on immigrants and Indian students
who are planning to study abroad. To limit the
spread of this Coronavirus, the EU has blocked
its border for non-EU citizens. All the European
universities have suspended their classes, exams
and other admission processes and have been put
on hold until things get normal. Still, in some
of the universities, online classes are taking
place but numbers are less.
COVID 19 has disturbed the whole cycle of study
and admission process among all the European
countries. It has also been delayed the admission
programs for the diplomas or degree. So
de?nitely it would be a challenge for the Indian
students in the application and admission
process. It might be possible that universities
make some changes in deadlines and upcoming
intake. So those students who were planning to
move within the upcoming months should keep a
close eye on the university's news and should ask
for the extra guidance.
This pandemic is going to make the delay in
admission procedure and application submission.
But students can utilize this time in
self-preparation for the study abroad. This
situation will get normal soon, at that time
students should be prepared with all the
documents so that the process gets started
smoothly. The best productive thing is to utilize
this time to prepare yourself for IELTS once
you are prepared it will give a great push for
the study abroad in Europe. As strong your pro?le
would have, the possibility of getting a visa
will also be strong.
- To get the more idea about universities, courses
and process-related doubt you can - visit our websites and other social media
platforms which are ?lled with informative blogs,
video interviews, and press releases. It will
give you great insights and explain all the
certain things which need to ?y for study
abroad. - COVID 19 is unpredictable pandemic without cure,
in that case, the prevention is the only
precaution. Every health organization is working
hard to stop the dent of the outbreak but
students have to keep safety at their level. It
is necessary to keep all the mandatory
precautions suggested by WHO for safe health.
Make sure to wash your hand by soap regularly, - keep social distancing, during the lockdown, stay
indoors. If you ?nd any kind of symptoms or - health illness, just visit the doctor. Always
remember that health is the priority. So,
optimize this quarantine and prepare yourself for
your dream study. - For any further informations, you can contact us
on inquiry_at_edugoabroad.com
91 706-900-7131/32 inquiry_at_edugoabroad.com
www.edugoabroad.com 604-609, Venus Amadeus,
Jodhpur Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahmedabad, India