Title: Say goodbye to Magento 1 in 2020 – Migration Magento 1 to Magento 2!
2Magento is a renowned eCommerce platform used
among giant businesses across the globe. It is
designed intuitively to assist eCommerce business
owners in targeting a broader audience. Custom
Magento Development provides you scalable,
reliable, and robust web solutions. In this
modern world, staying in touch with your
end-customers has become an integral part, and
Magento can make that happen! However, every
update is meant to be revolutionary, which is why
Magento introduced its new version Magento 2.
Magento 2 has some fantastic features that will
let you fall in love with your eCommerce website
more. As per researchers, approx. 2, 30,000
online retailers are enjoying the fullest from
the all-new Magento 2. Lets dig deeper into the
intriguing features of Magento 2 New file
structure You will witness some significant
changes in the file structure of Magento.
Everything is positioned under the app structure,
and each module has its own directory in which
you can effortlessly access all the templates,
layouts, CSS, js, etc. There are a total of four
directories in the module that includes
Primary directories
Application directories Public directories
3New layout elements In the previous version,
which is Magento 1, the core/text is used to
serve as a structured book. But, Magento 2
introduced a new concept of container wrappers.
These containers consist of blocks and render all
the children. Thus, organizing the blocks will
now be easier and intuitive by merely moving the
blocks and securely defining the section. CSS
preprocessing Gone are those days when Magento 2
used to optimize Bootstrap. As an alternative, it
uses its own less and CSS in theme core. It
boasts a publisher that finds and publishes CSS
collectively with static synopsis files filed
under the pub and directory. The publishers also
maintain the preprocessing of files that have to
be published by using some preprocessors. Magento
UI library Magento 2 has a flexible modular of
the library that entails a set of mixins for base
elements and also helps to ease theme development
and its customization. Here are the key
features Easy to maintain
Accessible Customizable
Focused on web standards Responsive
Built on LESS
4Magento library assists its users to customize
every element mentioned below Buttons
Navigation Action toolbar
Ratings Forms
Tables Icons
Typography Under the hood Magento 2
includes CSS3
PSR Compliance HTML
RequireJS Full-page caching
Varnish support in
its core No more prototypes In Magento 2, the
prototype is used as the main library JavaScript
because jQuery was not steady enough. jQuery has
now restored the prototype as the demand for the
Magento type increased. Magento 2 basically uses
only on JavaScript, which is RequireJS, which
means theres less conflict in Magento 2 as
compared to Magento 1.
5Improved performance and scalability Performance
key indicators Indexers improving A
performance toolkit of Magento
Varnish Scalability key indicators Caching in
full-page Multiple admin users Final
Verdict There are innumerable benefits of
choosing Magento 2 for your website. It has the
potential to boost your businesss online
performance and drive success. So if youre
planning to hire Magento certified developer for
transforming your Magento website, then look no
further than iCreative Technologies. As a leading
Magento Development Company, we can help you
migrate your website from Magento 1 to 2 and
excel in the dynamic market.
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