Title: Things to Know About Radio Frequency Treatment for Tightening Skin
1Things to Know About Radio Frequency Treatment
for Tightening Skin
2Radio frequency is a tried tested procedure for
skin tightening.
3Radio frequency is a non-surgical skin tightening
4Many people are confused regarding the safety of
this procedure.
5Here are the things to know about radio frequency
6How does radio frequency tighten skin?
7Like any form of energy radio frequency has the
capacity to produce heat.
8It works by heating the skins deeper layers to
produce new collagen elastin.
9This helps skin become firmer, thicker more
youthful looking.
10The low frequency of RF can safely penetrate to a
deeper level.
11It ultimately improves the skin tone structure,
even lifting tissues.
12Is radio frequency safe procedure?
13We are all exposed to low levels of human-made RF
every day.
14According to the FDA, the WHO has classified RF
as possibly carcinogenic to humans.
15However, there is no conclusive evidence that RF
exposure increases cancer risks.
16The main known risks from RF treatment are
potential for burns from thermal heating.
17Advantages of radio frequency treatment
18The RF treatment effectively lifts tightens
tissues without surgery.
19The post-procedure recovery is also very quick
and easy.
20Side effects are minimal short-lived like mild
swelling, redness tingling.
21RF treatments can be safely performed along with
other minimally-invasive treatments.
22You must always consult a board-certified
cosmetic surgeon for any procedure.
23They should also be able to show you before and
after photos of their patients.
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