Title: Utilizing Perfect Korean Beauty Skin Care Products
1Six Korean Cosmetics Styles You Need to Know Now
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1. Gradient lips
Korean makeup is all about preserving it young
and fresh. The ever so popular just-bitten lips
are obtained by implementing the lipstick first
then retouching the sides with cushion
foundation. Get your playful and innocent look by
allowing those strong lip colors mellow down by
attempting out this gradient lip strategy.
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2. Aegyo-sal
Well the Koreans have discovered a new way to
turn your blemishes into the most desired beauty
trends. Forget about layering concealers and get
on track with the new Aegyo-sal strategy.
Basically, add a soft contour under your eyes and
add a contact of highlighter in the center to
work those puffy eyes into a more alert and
greater looking eye.
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3) Straight eyebrows
Straight eyebrows have been on the pattern for a
long time now and this may sound a little
unattractive for those who have been attempting
out the arched eyebrows using the gradient brow
palettes. But, keeping our focus on a more
younger look, a straight eyebrow keeps your face
searching more rounded and younger.
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4) Puppy liner
Many of us are acquainted with the winged
eyeliner where the main focus is on moving the
ends of the liner up-wards. The winged lining
offers a much clearer and better look as in
comparison to the Korean puppy liners that does
the total reverse. The puppy liner helps to
enlarge the eyes by widening the outer corners of
the eye.
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5) Poppy orange blush
The Koreans are all about the organic flush and
these lemon blushes are what you need to bring
back the warmth to your skin. Forget about those
bronzers and shape sticks and enjoy the tangerine
flush by attempting out the new reefs cheek
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6) Soft shaping and bold shows
Although Kylies shape has been the talk of the
town for quite some time now, the new pattern is
all about strobing. If you are puzzled over the
modifying beauty styles, the Koreans have got it
set for you by having a balance of both! Prevent
dark contours with any harsh colors and get a
very soft contour with less heavy bronzers and go
heavier with your highlighting.
85, Rest House Crescent Road Shantala Nagar,
91 8787543951
991 8787543951