Title: Court Marriage in Ghaziabad
1Court Marriage in Ghaziabad
2Looking for the best marriage consultant in
ghaziyabad now come arya legal associates how is
done Court Marriage in Ghaziabad for each cast
and religion
3Required Documents for Court Marriage In
41. 4 passport size photographs for both the
marrying persons.2. Residential Proof of both
the Persons. ( Like Passport / Ration Car /
Driving License 3.Voter Card /Bank Passbook /
Lease Agreement/ Rent Agreement)4. Date of Birth
Proof for verifying Age of both the Persons.5.
Death Certificate of the Spouse, if any of the
partner is widow.6.Divorce Certification, if any
of the partner is divorcee.7.Two witness who are
minor in terms of their age.
5Contact Us
http//www.courtmarriageinghaziabad.com/ Arya
Legal Assosiates 08130112371, 09990922371 Chamber
No. - 2, First Floor, Tehsil Compound, Ghaziabad