Title: Grown Diamond Corporation - Lab Created Diamonds
1Grown Diamond
September 2019
Best Lab Grown Diamond Manufacture
2Incredible Diamond, Beyond Precision! With
impeccable quality, durability and shine, here is
the Round Brilliant Diamond with 5.08 Carat,
Excellent cut grade and colour grade
D. Register now and get access to our inventory
of lab-grown diamonds https//www.growndiamondcor
p.com/contact GrownDiamondCorporation
RoundBrilliantDiamond LabGrownDiamonds Conflict
FreeDiamonds EcoFriendlyDiamonds
3Lab-grown diamonds, made for decades as an
inexpensive alternative to mined stones for
industrial purposes, are cracking the consumer
market. To know how lab-grown diamonds are
shaking up the industry, visit
http//bit.ly/2KVo8Bk GrownDiamondCorporation L
abGrownDiamonds SyntheticDiamonds EcoFriendlyDi
amonds PureGrownDiamonds ManMadeDiamonds LabCut
Diamonds RealLabDiamonds EthicalDiamonds
4Get Lab Created Bespoke Diamonds only at Grown
Diamond Corporation. https//www.growndiamondcorp
.com/ GrownDiamondCorporation LabGrownDiamonds
LabCreatedGems ConflictFreeDiamonds
EcoFriendlyDiamonds EthicalDiamondsRealLabDiam
onds SyntheticDiamonds ManMadeDiamonds
5Grown Diamond Corporations Emerald Cut diamond
elucidates its fine quality! The 5.07 Carat
lab-grown diamond imprints an capturing colour of
Red which symbolizes internal characteristics and
green indicates external characteristics with
clarity grade VS 1, making a great option for
lavish jewelry. Contact us to know more about
this remarkable cut https//www.growndiamondcorp.
com/contact GrownDiamondCorporation
RectangularCutDiamond LabGrownDiamonds Conflict
FreeDiamonds EcoFriendlyDiamonds EthicalDiamonds
6With the increasing trend in the diamond
industry, the lab-grown diamonds are in the
shining spotlight but since mined diamonds for
centuries have been preferred for the uniqueness,
realness, genuineness and exclusivity features.
Then how do lab-grown diamonds compete with it
in value? To know how lab-grown diamonds are a
good investment in the greener world, visit
-a-good-investment.html GrownDiamondCorporation
LabGrownDiamonds SyntheticDiamonds EcoFriendly
Diamonds PureGrownDiamonds ManMadeDiamonds LabC
utDiamonds RealLabDiamonds EthicalDiamonds
7Adorn Lab-Grown Diamonds solid elegance! We
present to you our Square Emerald-Cut lab-grown
diamond! The remarkable diamond weighs 4.02
Carats with a clarity grade of VVS2 along with an
E color grade, very good polish and
proportions. Get access to our exquisite range
of round-cut diamonds by registering at
https//www.growndiamondcorp.com/register GrownD
iamondCorporation SquareEmeraldCutDiamond
LabGrownDiamonds ConflictFreeDiamonds EcoFrien
8Always the crowning jewel. Every diamond has a
story and it unfolds with bespoke unique
diamond as per your requirement! Order your
custom-made lab-grown diamond today! https//www.g
rowndiamondcorp.com/bespokecreation GrownDiamond
Corporation BespokeDiamonds LabGrownDiamonds Cu
stomMadeDiamonds ConflictFreeDiamonds
EcoFriendlyDiamonds EthicalDiamonds
9Diamond that Dazzles! Our Rectangular Shaped Cut
Cornered Grown Diamond weighs 5.14 Carats. It
comes in a step cut and has a superb clarity
grade of VS1 and colour grade E. Register to
know more about our exquisite collection of
lab-grown diamonds https//www.growndiamondcorp.
com/contact GrownDiamondCorporation CushionCutD
iamond RectangularCushionCutDiamond
LabGrownDiamonds ConflictFreeDiamonds EcoFrien