Title: Best Key Rules To Achieve Data Governance Success (1)
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Key Rules To Achieve Data Governance Success
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Do Not Start Without A Goal
A lot of material is floating on the internet
recommending businesses to invest in data
governance. The practice is also suggested as a
mandatory measure by experts. For some
entrepreneurs, these are reasons enough to
implement a program. Any scheme which is
initiated without any clear objective is bound to
fail. Identify your goals right at the outset so
that you can explain the programs need, to the
members of your organization. The plan can be
used to address anomalies that are affecting your
information management scheme. For instance, the
problem of missing zip codes from personal data
can be resolved by implementing a governance rule
which insists on the inclusion of the element.
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Never Treat Governance As A Fixed-term
Project As mentioned before, governance will
have to be practiced by your organization as long
as it generates data. This is one of the most
important rules related to the field. Some people
think that the fulfillment of the objective
signifies the end of the program. This is not the
case. Enterprises are generating data at
breakneck speed. Moreover, they are accessing
information in varied formats. This means that
new anomalies can also be discovered at various
stages in the future. In case, you have a
monitoring mechanism in place, you will easily
detect the inconsistencies and take the necessary
measures to remove them.
4Data Management Strategy
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5Executive Support Is MandatoryYou cannot
initiate the program without ensuring the support
of the key decision-makers of the organization.
In case, you follow Rule1, then it will be
easier for you to get executive buy-in for your
program. Explaining the clear benefits of the
program in specific areas and linking them to
business advantages helps in bringing the top
executives on board. Once you find sponsors for
the plan, they will explain the value proposition
to other stakeholders. Their support will also
ensure that you get the resources that are needed
for the implementation of the program. Moreover,
executive sponsors can be instrumental in
removing roadblocks from the path of the
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