Title: Distance Education Executive Certificate in Marketing Analytics using R from IIM Rohtak
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3Executive Certificate in Marketing Analytics
using R from IIM Rohtak
- In todays dynamic environment, consumers brand
preferences are constantly changing. Therefore,
it has become important to figure out the factors
influencing consumers brand preferences. There
could be many more similar complex situations
requiring the basic understanding of Marketing
analytics. Therefore, this Marketing Analytics
Course intends to equip the participants with the
advanced analytical tools and techniques enabling
them to handle the complex marketing problems
effectively and confidently. Major Learning
objectives include - Appreciating the significance of advanced
marketing analytical methods for a business
enterprise. - Developing the awareness of various marketing
analytics tools, their advantages and
limitations. - Developing the cognitive ability to draw logical
implications from the analysis and applying them
in business decisions.
This is your chance to dive into the worlds of
marketing analytics using R. Day by day, there
are a multitude of decisions that companies have
to face. With the help of statistical models,
you're going to be able to support the business
decision-making process based on data, not your
gut feeling. Let us show you what a great impact
statistical modeling can have on the performance
of businesses. You're going to learn about and
apply strategies to communicate your results and
help them make a difference.
- After the successful completion of the course,
the candidate have various career options such
as - Marketing Analytics Manager
- Pricing Analytics
- Social Media Analyst
- Market Research Analyst
- Sales Planning Optimization
- Demographic and Psychographic Segments and their
Targeting Strategies - Cross tab Chi-Square
- Independent Samples T-Test
- Targeting with more than Two Segments
- Forecasting
- Sales Forecasts
- Linear, Curvilinear, Exponential Relationships
- Modeling Trend and Seasonality
- Forecasting for New Products and Marketing
Prediction - Correlation and Regression
- Introduction to Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Decision making process
- Analytics in Marketing
- Rising relevance of marketing analytics
- Introduction to Charts and Dashboard
- Various types of Charts
- Making Dashboard using Pivot
- Marketing Segmentation based on Categories,
Understanding Segments - Comparing Proportions of Segments (Non-Parametric
Chi Square Test) - Interpreting mean Attitudes, Perceptions etc. of
Segments (One Sample T-Tests)
- Customer Value
- Calculating Customer Lifetime Value
- Relationship Marketing
- Customer Relationship Management
- Product Attribute and Benefit Decisions
- Product Development
- Customisation
- Conjoint
- Pricing Analytics
- Creating Demand Curves
- Estimating Price Elasticity
- Optimizing Price
- Segmenting Customers to Maximize Revenue
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