Title: Distance Education Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Investment Analysis)
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3Bachelor of Commerce (Finance Investment
In todays global scenario most management
programs in developing countries are industry
specific.The rationale behind BFIA course is to
introduce students to the subject before they
take it up at the MBA level as an elective.
Furthermore, the thrust of the program is on
exposing the students to real time business
problems, through three years of rigorous
industry training, which runs simultaneously with
theory classes.
This course is meant for students who are keen on
working in the core areas of finance, mainly with
investment companies, capital markets, foreign
exchange dealers, banks, mutual fund operations,
insurance sector or finance companies. The papers
covered in this course range from introduction to
business and finance, to focus on areas like
corporate taxation, auditing, corporate
restructuring, merchant banking, investment
analysis, portfolio management, etc.
- After completing the course students can choose
various career option like - Banking
- Economist
- Investments
- Equity Research Analyst
- Financial Accounting Auditing
- Auditing Cost Accounting
- Company Secretarial Practice
- Foreign Trade Practice Procedures
- Semester 1
- Management Foundation
- Introduction to Indian Financial System
- Principles of Marketing
- Business Statistics
- Accounting Fundamentals
- Micro Economics
- Semester II
- Concepts of Legal Aspects of Business
- Ethics and Corporate Governance
- Operations Research
- Financial Services
- Macroeconomics
- Environmental Studies
- Semester III
- Fundamentals of Financial Management
- Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
- Banking and Financial Institutions
- Fundamentals of Project Management
- Cost Accounting
- Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
- Semester IV
- Research Methodology
- Business Policy Strategic Management
- Fundamentals of Production and Operations
Management - Financial Derivatives
- Financial Reporting
- Taxation Policies Principles
- Semester V
- Security Analysis
- Advanced Corporate Finance
- Issue Management
- International Financial Management
- Fundamentals of Mutual Fund Management
- Semester VI
- Portfolio Management
- Understanding International Business Management
- Fundamentals of Behavioral Finance
- Fundamentals of Insurance Management
- Corporate Tax Planning
For Admissions/Students queries Send an email
at info_at_distancelearning.edu.in Or You could
call us at Mobile 91 9958934646 Whatsapp 91
8010230510 Website https//www.distancelearning.e