Title: 240W LED Flood Light - Top Most Features That You Must Know
1240W LED Flood Lights
2Make your parties more successful by installing
240W LED Flood Lights
While throwing a lavish party at the outside
places of your homes including lawns and gardens,
you require beautiful and powerful lights to
illuminate the surroundings with maximum lighting
and to serve that purpose effectively there are
no better lighting option than the LED flood
lights that are designed to create a brighter and
safer ambience. Among various types of flood
lights, you can install 240W LED Flood Lights to
make the place more beautiful.
3Benefits of using LED Flood Lights are as follows
- The available color temperature of these 240w LED
flood lights is 5700K thus delivers natural day
white light. - Also the lumen output is 31235 lumens.
- Replacing it with 800w MH lights will give you at
least 75 energy, - Comes with weatherproof and rust proof rating.
- Also 5 Years of manufacturers warranty will make
your investment worthy. - Have wider beam angle of greater than 150 degrees
that are useful to illuminate larger and bigger
areas. - Comes with DLC certified, that gives you
additional rebates and incentives. - Comes with different mounting options.
- These LED flood lights are free from all kind of
harmful elements including mercury and halogen
that can pollute the environment. - You can use them for more number of hours as well
without worrying about heated rays. - Use them for more than 50,000 hours.
- So make the party more happening and lively by
installing these 240w LED flood lights at the
outdoor places. After the bright full lights, you
and your guests will surely enjoy the party in an
enhanced way.