Title: Divorce Planning Guide – Best Divorce Attorney in Chicago (1)
1Womens Divorce Family Law Group by Haid and
Teich LLP Chicago Family Law, Divorce Child
Custody Attorneys
2 Divorce Planning Guide Best Divorce Attorney
in Chicago DIVORCE is not an easy word to deal
with. The two people, who once said I DO and
vowed to be inseparable, need to part ways.
Parting ways or saying good bye can be mutual or
bitter. Any which ways a legal counsel is
required. Both, the husband and the wife need to
plan on certain aspects before they call it
quits. The decisions they take are life changing.
These decisions could involve legal and financial
matters and looking for the best divorce attorney
in Chicago would be a challenge. Before parting
ways, both should consider some very crucial
3- Children
- Telling a child about the divorce is the toughest
part. The legality would involve aspects like who
would bear the expenses of the childs education
and welfare, who would get the custody of the
child etc. For all these matters you would like
to hire the best divorce attorney in Chicago. - Spousal support
- Only best divorce attorney in Chicago would know
of the amendments in the laws and would be able
to guide you on how much of the spousal support
(maintenance) would be for you to keep after
deducting the taxes. The marriage and Dissolution
of Marriage Act in Chicago, Illinois has
undergone many changes since 2016. - Paper work
- Once you have given a thought to all the aspects
that would concern you after divorce you will
have to look in to where to file your paper work.
4- Attorney
- Keep your options open when it comes to choosing
your attorney and then choose the best divorce
attorney in Chicago. Getting a good attorney, who
would counsel and suggest good and amicable ways
of parting, is a great deal. The priority of your
attorney should be safeguarding your legal
rights. - Support
- Divorce is traumatizing. It can affect your
physical, mental and financial wellbeing. A good
way to move on is to start talking to people who
are already divorced. Talk to people who would
show you the positive side of going single again.
Talking and sharing your thoughts out helps a
great deal. - Divorce is tough decision of your life. Pull
yourself together and start preparing.
5Downtown Chicago/Loop Office 77 W. Wacker Drive
45th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 Lake Forest
Office 100 Saunders Rd. Suite 150Lake Forest, IL
60045 Lisle Office 3333 Warrenville Rd. Suite
200Lisle, IL 60532 312-445-8830 312-283-8636