Title: Chris Rosenthal UBS - Experienced Professional From Novelty, Ohio
1Chris Rosenthal
President, Portfolio Manager, Head Trader at
Municipal Portfolio Managers, Inc.
2Chris Rosenthal UBS has worked at UBS Financial
Services, Inc., Pepper Pike, OH for almost 18
years from 1999 till 2016 as Senior Vice
President, Regional Institutional Sales.
3While outperforming there, he formed and
implemented a Fixed Income sales team of three
that catered to Tier 1, 2 and 3 accounts as well
as HNW individuals.
4Chris David Rosenthal is affording his services
at Municipal Portfolio Managers, Inc., Atlanta,
GA as president portfolio managers head traders
right now. Chris Rosenthal UBS is an expert in
terms of leadership skills and collaborative
5Chris David Rosenthals expertise includes New
Business Development, Relationship Management,
Portfolio Construction, Bond Selection,
Identifying Trends, Tax Swaps, Bond Allocation,
Project Management, Portfolio Review, Credit
Swaps, Extension Swaps, and Fixed Income Sales,
etc. He is also available to talk about relative
6Chris Rosenthal designed, presented and managed
all content of the firms quarterly newsletter.
7He effectively interfaced with 23 Traders and
manifold Institutional Salesmen on a daily basis
to accomplish the objective of utilizing the
available resources.
To know more about him visit his official site