Title: Charles Abbott - J.D., American University Washington College of Law
1Charles Lincoln Abbott III
Attorney at Law J.D., American University
Washington College of Law
2(No Transcript)
3Charles Lincoln Abbott III is a multipurpose and
up-to-date expert with expertise on several
areas. He is attributed to his services and
expertise as a human rights litigator.
4Charly Abbott is acknowledged for his experience
and strategic-based approach while carrying out
any sort of negotiation. He remains calm and
friendly throughout the negotiation process which
shown his exceptional command on his skills.
5Charles Abbott possesses wonderful communication
abilities and has a vast experience as an
attorney. He is recognized for his extraordinary
interpersonal skills owing to which he creates an
invincible approach. He is quite fluent in terms
of speaking English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
6Charles Lincoln Abbott III has performed
extraordinarily well in different settlements and
has a list of accomplishments comprising
noticeable friendly settlements, regulatory
policies in the public health sector, several
human rights cases regarding torture prohibition
and prevention, enforced disappearance and the
rights of children, extrajudicial executions and
the use of force by police.
7Charles Abbott is attributed to his
resourcefulness and straightforward approach
while managing several legal cases. In addition
to it, he is known for his understanding of legal
complexities and is termed as one of the most
educated attorneys in his field.
8Thank you
To know more about him visit his official site