Title: Step by step Game Testing Process for Beginners | iXie Gaming
1Step by Step Game Testing Guide for beginners
- A Quick through Guide for Game Tester Beginners
2Overview of Game Testing
- Actually Game can be tested at various different
level at each development process - In Software Testing process all information about
the software or product. But whereas Gameplay
testing is not like that, as there are many steps
involved while Game QA Services - As because game testing is the Black Box Testing
method - Game Development studios will hand over their
products or application to third party Game QA
testers or other vendors for fine quality
3Process of a Game Testing
- Plan and Design the Test
- Preparing the Test Cases
- Performing the Test
- Reporting the Results
- Repairing the bug
- Repeat from 1 and Retest
4- Okay...
- Lets discuss in detail in following Slides
5Step 1 Plan and Design the Test
- This is much important to initiate the testing
earlier is the test document - As in the every stage and every prototype of the
game testers need to be revisit with every stage - So on every testing of the game, preplanning and
designing the test is mandatory
6Step 2 Preparing the Test Cases
- All the testers can update their code, test and
every test cases with one another - During this cycle Game QA team should mark their
bug - Those bugs are analysed with specified areas and
send to development team to make verify and
7Step 3 Performing the Test
- After receiving Bug report from Quality Assurance
team they re executing for the test to validate
that bug is valid or not - Play testing could be done by having practical
exposure with the Game - This is to ensure the particular game performance
in a structured manner
8Step 4 Reporting the Results
- At this stage of process the entire results were
reported - The important portion could be documentation of
bugs and areas where identified.
9Step 5 Repairing the bug
- The testing team will clearly explain about the
bug and tends to fix with the issues - And sometimes they supposed to execute with the
direct testing and for clear explanation of the
10Step 6 Repeat from step 1 and Retest
- After all of the above process, new build is
created for second cycle - While testing at this particular stage, it could
be like the repetitive process - As because of there may be existing of own or new
bugs and also failed test cases
11Thank you..
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