Title: IT Has Introduced The New Age of Digital Medicine Solution
1R X . H E A L T H
IT Has Introduced The New Age of Digital Medicine
2Digitization is impacting on everything. The
introduction to digital medicine platform has
helped to revolutionize the quality of
healthcare. Rx healths Digital medicine platform
there toprescribe you with new technologies. We
are defining the digital medicine solutions with
digital platform.
CONTACT 20 W, 85th street New York 10024 engage_at_rx
.health (646) 868-9100
3Digital medicine platform helps to personalize
treatments, monitor patients in real-time, detect
day-to-day changes in disease condition which is
very helpful for patients as well as doctors.
This leading medical technology helps
pharmaceutical companies to conceptualize,
develop and commercialize digital medicines.
CONTACT 20 W, 85th street New York 10024 engage_at_rx
.health (646) 868-9100
4Information technology has introduced the new age
of digital medicine platform, and a growing
number of traditional and non- traditional IT
companies are stepping into the fray, offering an
array of new healthcare tools and services. The
trends go far beyond the plethora of
wearable devices developed to track fitness goals.
CONTACT 20 W, 85th street New York 10024 engage_at_rx
.health (646) 868-9100
5Advances in sensor technology, widespread wireless
capabilities and exponential increase in
electronic data and digital analytics these are
just a few of the developments already
revolutionizing health care and digital medicine,
from disease prevention and detection,
to treatment and monitoring. Digital
Medicine transformation has introduced
the transformation in the field of healthcare.
CONTACT 20 W, 85th street New York 10024 engage_at_rx
.health (646) 868-9100
6Digital medicine platform is changing the very
nature of medical practice. Technologies such as
telemedicine are redefining how doctors and
patients interact, while new and plentiful
sources of personalized health information and
advice are, to some extent, replacing physicians
with digital medicine tools.
Google, Apple and Microsoft have invested heavily
in platforms that offer consumers the ability to
track and capture data on their own health and
everybody is inverting on these data these days
for their health requirements. Technology has
changed, times have changed. Human health
requires lot of attention nowadays.
CONTACT 20 W, 85th street New York 10024 engage_at_rx
.health (646) 868-9100
7These platforms enabled by sensor, equipped
wearable devices that register movement, heart
and muscle activity, as well as record an
abundance of data points, such as body
temperature, hydration, glucose and
oxygen levels, respiration, ingestion and sleep
CONTACT 20 W, 85th street New York 10024 engage_at_rx
.health (646) 868-9100
8R X . H E A L T H
20 W, 85th street New York 10024 engage_at_rx.health
(646) 868-9100
W W W . R X . H E A L T H