Title: Factors that Adversely Affect the Fuel Economy of Your Car
1Factors that Adversely Affect the Fuel Economy of
Your Car
2One of the most important factors that either
makes or breaks a decision in favor of a
particular car is its fuel economy.
3 However, after some years when you experience a
sudden dip in the fuel economy shown by your car,
at first you might term it as a usual incident
that might be related to the car's age.
4 There are certain factors, which affect the
car's fuel economy in a negative way and it is
always important to know about these factors.
5Here are the factors that adversely affect the
fuel economy of your car.
6Problems in engine
7The engine which acts as the heart of a car has a
massive role to play in the way a car's fuel
performance measures up.
8However, if the engine is not tuned properly, or
the maintenance service of the car is delayed,
then it will ultimately lead to a decline in the
car's fuel economy.
9 Moreover, as all the parts are intricately
related to the engine and if any of these parts
malfunction, then the engine will require more
fuel to perform the usual functions than it
normally does.
10 You must inspect the engine from time-to-time so
that the overall performance and also the fuel
economy of the car doesn't get affected due to
engine malfunction.
11Driving in the wrong gears
12 Most people are ignorant about the fact that
driving in the wrong gears also affects the fuel
performance of their car.
13However, this typical problem is associated with
the manual cars as automatic transmissions will
shift up more quickly and smoothly once the car
gathers momentum.
14There are prescribed speed for every gear like if
you are driving at a high speed then the gear
should be the top gear so that the car gets
adequate fuel doesn't end up consuming more
15Similarly, if you are going uphill then it is
advised to drive in lower gears as laboring the
car in top gears will lead to engine consuming
more fuel.
16The way you drive
17Aggressive driving can lower your fuel
performance as the car tends to guzzle up more
fuel at higher speeds.
18As driving at high speeds increases the
aerodynamic drag reduces the fuel economy,
similarly excessive idling can lower the fuel
economy of a car also.
19 Consequently, if you drive your car in cold
weather, then the fuel performance also takes a
beating because the engine is not warm enough to
operate efficiently.
20Moreover, to derive the maximum fuel economy from
your vehicle, it is advised to drive at a
reasonable speed whenever possible.
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