Title: Symptoms of a Failing Crankcase Vent Filter
1Symptoms of a Failing Crankcase Vent Filter
2Generally, all the cars on the road today are
equipped with internal combustion engines that
have a crankcase ventilation system.
3Internal combustion engines have a blow by
mechanism which occurs when some of the gases
formed during combustion process escape past the
piston rings into the engines crankcase.
4 The crankcase ventilation system works to
relieve any pressure from the engines crankcase
from this process by sending the gases back into
the engines intake manifold to be used by the
5This is done in order to ensure that there are no
oil leaks in the car as excess crankcase pressure
can cause oil leaks.
6Generally the gases are sent through a PCV valve
and sometimes through a crankcase ventilation
filter or breather filter.
7The crankcase ventilation filter is one of the
only components of the crankcase ventilation
system and is an important component in
maintaining the functionality of the system.
8However, when the crankcase ventilation filter
fails, it lets out a few signs to warn the
driver. Here are the symptoms of a failing
crankcase vent filter.
9Oil leaks
10Oil leaks are one of the most common symptoms
which is associated with a crankcase vent filter
11 The crankcase filter filters the blow by gases
to make sure that they are clean before they are
sent back into the cars intake manifold.
12In due course of time, the filter can get dirty
and restrict the air flow and can affect the
pressure-relieving capacity of the system.
13 Consequently, if the pressure inside becomes too
high, then it can cause gaskets and seals to blow
causing oil leaks in your car.
14High idle
15Another common symptom of a potential issue with
the crankcase vent filter is experiencing an
excessively high idle.
16When the crankcase vent filter becomes damaged or
causes an oil or vacuum leak, this will disrupt
the idle speed of the vehicle.
17Moreover, a high idle is a potential indication
of more than one issue in the car.
18Decrease in engine performance
19A decrease in the engine performance is another
symptom of a potential problem with the crankcase
vent filter.
20When the filter becomes clogged and causes a
vacuum leak which will lead to a decrease in
engine performance due to the disturbance in the
air-fuel ratio.
21You will experience a decrease in power and
acceleration when you will be driving at low
engine speeds.
23The crankcase vent filter is an important
component of the crankcase system and is
responsible for maintaining the functionality of
the system.
24Whenever you experience any of the
above-mentioned symptoms, then take your car to
the automotive shop to fix the issue.
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