Title: Best Prestashop Modules For E-Commerce Store Development
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3Best Prestashop Modules For E-Commerce Store
Which are the Best Prestashop Module for
e-commerce Store Development? The PrestaShop
module is one of the biggest tools in recent
years for conversions on e-commerce platforms.
Yet, many of the online shop owners on various
e-commerce platforms have not heard of this
technique, this technique can actually help you
land more customers than ever and that is why
this method must be adopted by all shop
owners. As an owner of an online store, you must
have heard and hosted your shop through
Prestashop, but Prestashop module for e-commerce
might be something new for you. Do not worry it
is just an extension of the existing product. The
modules help the user modify various features of
his/her online store from the homepage to
products section any addition or modification is
carried out faster using these modules.
4Lets have a look at some of the free Prestashop
modules which can help your shop attract
customers and sell your products like
hotcakes! 1. Wheel of fortune. You must be
familiar with the wheel of fortune as a kid, most
commonly seen in fairs and arcade centers. 2.
Social login option. One thing your customers
hate from the bottom of their hearts is filling
lengthy registration forms for signing up on your
website. 3. Age verification. Sometimes your
website may be selling products which are not
meant for underage users. 4. Amazon
marketplace. Many sellers are moving on to the
Amazon bandwagon.
55. Welcome video. Welcome video or image module
on your website leaves a positive impact on
visitors. Treat visitors on your website as
guests visiting your house. When guests come to
our house we give them snacks and drinks,
similarly, we must welcome visitors on the site
and try to convert them to customers. 6.
Customized modules. Prestashop also has the
option of customized modules which can be created
by the user as per his/her needs using his/her
creativity. Instead of implementing existing
modules uniqueness can strike a chord with
visitors. 7. Facebook wall posts. Facebook wall
posts help the e-commerce companies to make their
customers aware of any new additions in the
product departments. This way you can make a new
product known to customers and give its
popularity a boost and get it off the shelves
6Advantages of employing Prestashop modules. 1.
Global reach. Prestashop modules can help you
reach customers in the biggest markets like
China, USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc. Any
e-commerce store looking to engage global
customer must involve Prestashop modules in their
action plans, you will find that your companys
growth is greater than that achievable by
traditional means. 2. Cost effective. Prestashop
modules are cheaper than the advertising mediums
of our time and also many of them are available
for free, this factor reduces a huge chunk of the
companys budget to be invested somewhere else.
7Now that you are well aware of the Prestashop
module advantage, the biggest question is which
one or ones are going to suitable? , How much
will it cost? , etc. Many questions will bombard
your brains, do not worry Viha digital commerce
is the answer. Its an up and coming Indian
E-commerce Company, perfect for the Indian online
retailer. They will not help you identify the
perfect tools for your business but also the ones
in your budget and help you scale up the ladder
of success.
8Why You Choose to Work with VDC?
- One Stop eCommerce Development
- Highly Secure Website
- Certified Developers
- On-Time Delivery
- Instant Project Support
- Better ROI
- Full Client's Reviews
- 100 Transparent Work
- Full Satisfaction Guarantee
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Best Prestashop Modules For E-Commerce Store
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