Title: Elacancer.com - Best Cancer Treatment Hospitals in India at Low Cost
1Elacancer.com - Best Cancer Treatment Hospitals
in India at Low Cost
Find the Best Cancer Treatment Clinic or
Hospitals and Oncology Specialist in India for
Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer,
Oral Cancer, Brain Tumour, Colon Cancer, Ovarian
Cancer at Lowest Cost. Free Consultation
Exclusively with Ela Cancer.
Breast Cancer Cancer occurs when changes called
mutations take place in genes that regulate cell
growth. The mutations let the cells divide and
multiply in an uncontrolled, chaotic way. The
cells keep multiplying, producing copies that get
progressively more abnormal. In most cases, the
cell copies eventually form a tumor. Breast
cancer is cancer that develops in breast cells.
Typically, the cancer forms in either the lobules
or the ducts of the breast. Lobules are the
glands that produce milk, and ducts are the
pathways that bring the milk from the glands to
the nipple. Cancer can also occur in the fatty
tissue or the fibrous connective tissue within
your breast. The uncontrolled cancer cells often
invade other healthy breast tissue and can travel
to the lymph nodes under the arms. The lymph
nodes are a primary pathway that helps the cancer
cells move to other parts of the body.
2In its early stages, breast cancer may not cause
any symptoms. In many cases, a tumor may be too
small to be felt, but an abnormality can still
be seen on a mammogram. If a tumor can be felt,
the first sign is usually a new lump in the
breast that was not there before. However, not
all lumps are cancer.
Each type of breast cancer can cause a variety of
symptoms. Many of these symptoms are similar, but
some can be different. Symptoms for the most
common breast cancers include
3- a breast lump or tissue thickening that feels
different than surrounding tissue and has
developed recently - Breast pain
- Red, pitted skin over your entire breast
- Swelling in all or part of your breast
- A nipple discharge other than breast milk
- Bloody discharge from your nipple
- Peeling, scaling, or flaking of skin on your
nipple or breast - A sudden, unexplained change in the shape or size
of your breast - Inverted nipple
- Changes to the appearance of the skin on your
breasts - A lump or swelling under your arm
- If you have any of these symptoms, it doesnt
necessarily mean you have breast cancer. For
instance, pain in your breast or a breast lump
can be caused by a breast cyst. Still, if you
find a lump in your breast or have other
symptoms, you should see your doctor for further
examination and testing.
Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is cancer that
occurs in the prostate a small walnut-shaped
gland in men that produces the seminal fluid
that nourishes and transports sperm.
4Prostate cancer is one of the most common types
of cancer in men. Usually prostate cancer grows
slowly and is initially confined to the prostate
gland, where it may not cause serious harm.
However, while some types of prostate cancer
grow slowly and may need minimal or even no
treatment, other types are aggressive and can
spread quickly. Only men have a prostate. It is
a small gland that sits below the bladder near
the rectum. It surrounds the urethra, the
passage in the penis through which urine and
semen pass.
5The prostate gland is part of the male
reproductive system. It produces most of the
fluid that makes up semen that enriches sperm.
The prostate needs the male hormone testosterone
to grow and develop.
6The prostate is often described as being the size
of a walnut and it is normal for it to grow as
men age. Sometimes this can cause problems, such
as difficulty urinating. These problems are
common in older men and not always symptoms or
signs of cancer.
Lung cancer Lung cancer is a malignant tumour
that grows in an uncontrolled way in one or both
of the lungs. Cancer that starts in the lungs is
known as primary lung cancer. It can spread to
other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes,
brain, adrenal glands, liver and
bones. Sometimes a cancer starts in another part
of the body and spreads to the lungs. This is
known as secondary or metastatic cancer in the
lung. The information here is about primary lung
cancer only. What causes lung cancer?
7While the causes of lung cancer are not fully
understood, a number of risk factors are
associated with developing the disease. These
Tobacco smoking
8Smoking causes almost 9 out of 10 lung cancers.
Compared with nonsmokers, smokers are 25 times
more likely to develop lung cancer. In
Australia, about 84 of lung cancer cases in
males, and 74 in females, are estimated to be a
result of tobacco smoking. The risk of
developing lung cancer is strongly linked to the
age a person starts smoking, how long they smoke
and the number of cigarettes they
smoke. Second-hand smoking Breathing in other
peoples tobacco smoke (passive or second-hand
smoke) can cause lung cancer. People who have
never smoked but who have been frequently exposed
to second-hand smoke are 2030 more likely to
develop lung cancer than nonsmokers who have not
been exposed. People who have never smoked and
have not been around second-hand smoke have about
a 0.5 risk of developing lung cancer. Exposure
to asbestos People who are exposed to asbestos
have a greater risk of developing cancer,
particularly pleural mesothelioma. Although the
use of asbestos in building materials has been
banned nationally since 2003, it may still be in
some older buildings. People who have been
exposed to asbestos and are, or have been, a
smoker are at even greater risk. It can take
many years after being exposed to asbestos for
mesothelioma to develop. This is called the
latency period or latent interval, and it is
usually between 20 and 60 years.
9Exposure to other elements Contact with the
processing of steel, nickel, chrome and coal gas
may be a risk factor. Exposure to radiation and
other air pollution, such as diesel particulate
matter, also increases the risk of lung
cancer. Family history Having a family member
diagnosed with lung cancer increases the
risk. Personal history The risk of developing
lung cancer is increased if you have been
previously diagnosed with another lung disease
such as lung fibrosis, chronic bronchitis,
emphysema or pulmonary tuberculosis. Older
age Lung cancer is most commonly diagnosed in
people aged 60 years and older, though it can
occur in younger people.
Oral Cancer Cancer is defined as the
uncontrollable growth of cells that invade and
cause damage to surrounding tissue. Oral cancer
appears as a growth or sore in the mouth that
does not go away. Oral cancer, which includes
cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of
the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and
pharynx (throat), can be life threatening if not
diagnosed and treated early.
10Cancer is defined as the uncontrollable growth of
cells that invade and cause damage to surrounding
tissue. Oral cancer appears as a growth or sore
in the mouth that does not go away. Oral cancer,
which includes cancers of the lips, tongue,
cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate,
sinuses, and pharynx (throat), can be life
threatening if not diagnosed and treated early.
11Brain Tumour A brain tumor is a mass or growth
of abnormal cells in your brain. Many different
types of brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors
are noncancerous (benign), and some brain tumors
are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors can begin
in your brain (primary brain tumors), or cancer
can begin in other parts of your body and spread
to your brain (secondary, or metastatic, brain
tumors). How quickly a brain tumor grows can
vary greatly. The growth rate as well as location
of a brain tumor determines how it will affect
the function of your nervous system. Primary
brain tumors emerge from the various cells that
make up the brain and central nervous system and
are named for the kind of cell in which they
first form. The most common types of adult brain
tumors are gliomas as in astrocytic tumors.
These tumors form from astrocytes and other types
of glial cells, which are cells that help keep
nerves healthy. The second most common type of
adult brain tumors are meningeal tumors. These
form in the meninges, the thin layer of tissue
that covers the brain and spinal cord. In some
cases, a brain tumour grows slowly and symptoms
develop gradually, so you may not be aware that
anything is wrong at first. In other cases,
symptoms appear suddenly.
12Many symptoms of brain tumours are more likely to
be caused by other factors. However, any new,
persistent or worsening symptoms should be
reported to your doctor. General symptoms
Brain tumour symptoms may be caused by increased
pressure in the skull (intracranial pressure).
Pressure can build up because the tumour itself
is taking up too much space or because it is
blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid around
the brain.
13Colon Cancer Colon cancer is cancer of the large
intestine (colon), which is the final part of
your digestive tract. Most cases of colon cancer
begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of
cells called adenomatous polyps. Over time some
of these polyps can become colon cancers.
14Polyps may be small and produce few, if any,
symptoms. For this reason, doctors recommend
regular screening tests to help prevent colon
cancer by identifying and removing polyps before
they turn into cancer. Colorectal cancer starts
in the colon or rectum. The risk of colorectal
cancer goes up as you get older, and if you eat
a meat-heavy diet, smoke, or have a family
history of the cancer. Colorectal cancer symptoms
include pain, blood in the stool, and a change
in bowel habits. Routine screening for colorectal
cancer is recommended starting at age 50or even
sooner for those with risk factors. Colon cancer
is the most common type of gastrointestinal
cancer. It is a multifactorial disease process,
with etiology encompassing genetic factors,
environmental exposures (including diet), and
inflammatory conditions of the digestive
tract. Ovarian Cancer Ovarian cancer is when
abnormal cells in the ovary begin to multiply out
of control and form a tumor. If left untreated,
the tumor can spread to other parts of the body.
This is called metastatic ovarian cancer. The
ovaries are two female reproductive glands that
produce ova, or eggs. They also produce the
female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Most
ovarian cysts arent cancerous. These are called
benign cysts. However, a very small number can be
15An ovarian cyst is a collection of fluid or air
that develops in or around the ovary. Most
ovarian cysts form as a normal part of
ovulation, which is when the ovary releases an
egg. They usually only cause mild symptoms, like
bloating, and go away without treatment.
Cysts are more of a concern if you arent
ovulating. Women stop ovulating after menopause.
If an ovarian cyst forms after menopause, your
doctor may want to do more tests to find out the
cause of the cyst, especially if its large or
doesnt go away within a few months.
16If the cyst doesnt go away, your doctor may
recommend surgery to remove it just in case. Your
doctor cant determine if its cancerous until
they remove it surgically. Ovarian cancer is a
disease in which, depending on the type and stage
of the disease, malignant (cancerous) cells are
found inside, near, or on the outer layer of the
ovaries. An ovary is one of two small,
almond-shaped organs located on each side of the
uterus that store eggs, or germ cells, and
produce female hormones estrogen and
progesterone. Cancer develops when abnormal
cells in a part of the body (in this case, the
ovary) begin to grow uncontrollably. This
abnormal cell growth is common among all cancer
types. Normally, cells in your body divide and
form new cells to replace worn out or dying
cells, and to repair injuries. Because cancer
cells continue to grow and divide, they are
different from normal cells. Instead of dying,
they outlive normal cells and continue to create
new abnormal cells, forming a tumor. Tumors can
put pressure on other organs near the
ovaries. Cancer cells can sometimes travel to
other parts of the body, where they begin to grow
and replace normal tissue. This process, called
metastasis, occurs as the cancer cells move into
the bloodstream or lymph system of the body.
Cancer cells that spread from other organ sites
(such as breast or colon) to the ovary are not
considered ovarian cancer. Cancer type is
determined by the original site of the malignancy.
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