Title: Pop Up Shops –Find Smarter Locations for Your Brands Events
1Pop Up Shops Find Smarter Locations for Your
Brands Events
To start make your pop up space wish list. Just
like when you are shopping for an apartment, It
is important to know what factors are bonuses and
what would be a deal breaker. Come up with a
short list of must-haves, to help refine your
search. Your items will differ depending on
your brand and your reason for opening pop up
shops. Here is a list of the 6 essential steps in
selecting the perfect pop up location
2Know your pop-up goals
Know your pop-up goals
Pop-up shops can serve many purposes, from
generating sales to raising brand awareness.
Having clear goals when you're opening a pop-up
will help you determine the best type of space
for your event. Are you doing this to test a
future store location or just to boost awareness
of your new product? For example, if your focus
is register sales maybe you should look to be
near complementary brands with proven foot
traffic. For a brand awareness play, take into
consideration where your pop up would have the
biggest visual impact.
3Know your target demographic
Knowing your target demographic is crucial, as
you'll want to pick a neighbourhood that fits
your brand. Researching the demographics of
neighbourhoods that you're considering for a
pop-up will help you get the right kind of foot
traffic in the door. Does a pop up put your
brand right in front of your target audience? If
you're selling to a particular target audience,
put your pop up store right where they will be.
If this is a fashion week event consider a mobile
pop up that rolls right up to be seen right
outside the runway shows.
4Research locations
For a pop-up shop, location is the key to ensure
that your shop gets the foot-traffic it deserves.
Talk to nearby businesses and walk the streets to
make an informed decision about the right space
for your brand. Do all the due diligence you
can - find out the area's demographics, check out
nearby retailers and businesses and see how much
foot traffic the space gets. Does a local space
particularly match your pop up? Sometimes, a
building or public space seems ideal for a
project. For example, for a flip flop brand the
beach is a great location.
5Website popertee.com
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