Title: Easy Tips you Need to know For a Normal Delivery
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2Painless Delivery
Pregnancy is very crucial for any would-be
mother. And a painless delivery is something
which every woman would desire. It is a
well-established fact that a normal delivery is
known to be the best for the mother and the
child. Yet the fact is that it takes lot more to
be able to give vaginal birth to a child without
undergoing surgery.
3Easy Tips For a Normal Delivery
4 Prenatal education
1 Support is Needed
2 Keep Yourself Busy
5 Healthy Diet
3 Manage Your Weight
6 Exercises
4Support is Needed
Support is Needed In todays time where most of
the women are found working during their
pregnancy and staying alone in nuclear families,
the experience of pregnancy can be very different
than it would be in an environment where you have
people to take care and give advice. Research
analysis has revealed that women who received
expert support and care during pregnancy time
were half as likely to require a C-section as
those who had no expert around to take care.
Their labor time was also 25 percent shorter.
5Keep Yourself Busy
Active labor for a first-time mother may last for
an average of twelve to fourteen hours. Paying
attention on the cramps and worrying about it
from the beginning of abdominal cramps can make
things difficult. Hence it is recommended that
one should get busy in activities like a walk or
a shower or into something you love to do like
cooking etc. The more time you can spend at home,
the better it is. When you are relaxed, you are
able to easily pass through the time of labor
6Manage Your Weight
It is natural to gain weight during pregnancy.
By eating healthy and in proper cycles, you can
manage your weight well so that you are not
overweight. It is easier and smooth labor when
the weight is manageable. This reduces the
complications and, in turn, the medical
interventions too.
7Prenatal Education
Knowing about the delivery process and prenatal
childbirth prepares the pregnant women to deal
with the dos and donts easily. It is proven that
prenatal education has 50 percent more chances
for a normal delivery. Breathing, meditation,
relaxing, listening to music, getting massage
from an expert are some of the ways to get over
the last minute stress.
8Healthy Diet
Eating right is very crucial for a healthy
pregnancy. Proper diet not only keeps your body
fit and healthy, but it also ensures that the
fetus is getting healthy growth and development.
The physical strength and good health prepares
the body to face the challenges of labor with
ease. Diet should contain good amount of green
vegetables, which are rich in iron and folate
9Exercises during pregnancy
Regular exercise builds the stamina in general
and adds to the ability of bearing the pain
during labor. Kegel exercises are of immense help
in strengthening the pelvic region and
thighs. Routine consultations, exercises and
physiotherapy sessions, understanding of the
delivery process, the diet and mental state are
some of the factors which impact the delivery.
Immediately after the normal delivery, having
skin to skin contact with the baby and initiating
breastfeeding right after birth is the most
natural way of building a strong bond of
affection and trust. Enjoy a Healthy and Happy
10Contact Us
Santokh Hospital H.No. 846, Sector 38-A
Chandigarh 160036