Title: Radio Advertising Booking Platform | Radio Advertising Agency in India
1Radio Advertisement Booking Platform
2The first ever radio advertisement was aired in
USA 96 years ago on by ATT, giving birth to
commercial radio advertising. But it started in
1977 in India. Radio mushroomed in metro cities
such as Delhi, Madras, Bangalore and Mumbai
initially. Until 1993 All India Radio was the
only broadcaster in India. After that it started
selling airtime blocks and gradually 108 radio
frequencies promoting privatization. All this
started long before Television advertising due to
its high cost and initial unavailability.
3Outdoor advertising that constitutes OOH
hoardings, movable media advertising and local
radio advertising. According to statistica.com
statistics show that radio advertising services
industry has seen an upward trajectory from 2009
and is still growing from 26.4 billion, revenue
in 2017 to a projected 30.4 billion in 2018.
Despite TV advertising services and digital media
dominating the advertising industry, radio still
has a special place that cannot be replaced.
Whenever a person sitting in a car is bored,
radio comes to the rescue. From a long ride to a
late night trip, it is the radio that keeps you
awake and entertained throughout the journey.
4Just like TV advertising platform has new
alternatives, i.e. online video ads and digital
OOH hoardings, radio too has seen advancements
such as online radio accessible with internet
connection. Radio advertising agencies have also
evolved to online radio advertising. Like
newspaper ads, local radio advertising is one of
the most suitable options for local advertising.
5Outdoor advertising today stands at point of
inflection and is headed towards becoming as
smart as digital advertising in very near future.
Radio station slots can now be viewed on
intelligent maps with availability of filters to
prioritize information according to the need.
Analytics is the way of survival for modern radio
advertising companies. For E.g. AD8RADIO is a
unique radio advertising booking platform that
offers audio ads, sponsorship tags, competitions
in which your product can be showcased and
offsite broadcast facilities with seamless online
experience. A good creative team and precisely
targeted audience and monitoring at each step
with the help of experts can maximize your ROI.
6This Omni-channel approach has kept radio
advertising alive in the dominance of digital
marketing. Now booking an advertisement has
become an easier process because of service
availability on clicks. AdmyBrand is an end to
end marketing platform for all your marketing
needs. Available is all mediums and every service
on a few clicks powered by Big Data analytics and
best in class creative support. With AD8RADIO,
admybrand has a strong presence in radio
advertising industry with 245 million weekly
audience and tie-ups with major radio broadcast
service providers that rivals Google and Facebook
through over 100 partners in over 200 cities
7For more details on Radio Advertising
Services Visit https//www.ad8radio.com