Title: Top Reasons for mapping Your Ads to Your Shopify Store’s Sales Funnel
1Top Reasons for mapping Your Ads to Your Shopify
Stores Sales Funnel!!
2There are 3 main stages to achieve this and have
been designed to help marketers engage shoppers
throughout their customer journey.
3STAGE 1 ATTRACT Wooing new visitors to visit
your Shopify store. STAGE 2 CONVERT
Concentrated on turning those visitors into
customers by making them buy your
products. STAGE 3 RE-ENGAGE Focused on repeat
customers and retaining them for long-term.
4 STAGE 1 ATTRACT Once you are established in
the market you can move to the next step of
attracting your targeted customers. You can only
retarget those who come to your store in the
first place. This is the first stage of the sales
funnel and by the most critical as it establishes
your existence and creates an identity for your
business for consumers to know. Your adverts
should create a spark in consumers to bring them
to your store and make a purchase.
5- There are two types of Lookalike audiences you
should target in this stage - Website Visitors Audiences like your website
visitors. - b) Top Customers Target audiences like your best
6STAGE 2 CONVERT It retains path of people who
visit your site and display your retargeting ads
to them when they visit other sites online.
Retargeting brings back the visited customers to
your shop. This stage is made up entirely of
retargeting ads to bring in more sales and grow
the business. This is the second stage of your
sales funnel and emphasize on taking those
prospective visitors and transforming them into
consumers. This is when you start making sales to
keep your business running.
7- The three campaigns that can help you during this
stage are - - a) Dynamic Product Target that customers
products they have already viewed, but not
purchased. - b) Website Visitors Target all those who visited
your website. - c) Abandoned Carts Target all the customers who
abandoned the cart and did not finish their
8(No Transcript)
9STAGE 3 RE-ENGAGE Click here to know about
3rd stage and more in detail.
SOURCE To succeed your business and rise
continuous sales, dont forget to study your
customers positions in the sales funnel. Their
services are cost-effective and suitable for all
levels of business irrespective of the verticals.
To get further details of how to channelize your
customers to keep your sales up, you can get in
contact with WebBee Global. The more targeted
your eCommerce ads are the better chances of
converting your customers occurs.