Title: Guide: How to Set, Get, and Delete Cookies in WordPress?
1Guide How to Set, Get, and Delete Cookies in
- Guided By wpglobalsupport
2Do you want to set, Get, and Delete cookies in
Cookies are a useful tool to store temporary
files and information in the browser of users.
Also, you can use this information to boost user
experience by using personalization and
behavioral targeting.
3Set, Get and Delete Cookies
- WordPress is stateless. If you want to create a
web application on the top of WordPress, then you
will require some types of system to keep the
Basically first, we want to give you some
information about Cookies-
4What Are Cookies?
- The Cookies are simple text files who created and
saved in the users browser when they visit a
website. Cookies are used to connect various
features to the website. - Some of the common usage of cookies on various
sites - Save and Manage the users information.
- Save temporary session information during users
visit. - To remember the cart items during a users visit,
e-commerce stores also use the cookies. - Track the user activity on the website to provide
a personalized user experience.
5As you know, cookies are very useful tools for
website owners But they can be a little offensive
too. Recent trends in e-mail marketing,
development hacking, and online marketing give
permission to set cookies entirely, which perform
as a beacon and can be used to store and even
share user activity across sites.
6We can set, get and delete cookies in WordPress
by using the PHP.
Often we concluded its definition, how to use it,
and how to set, get, and delete it.
For more details click-
Set, Get, and Delete Cookies