Title: Camping on Medina Lake - Fun for the entire family in Texas
2Are you looking for a perfect Fishing Spot?
3Do you want to spend memorable family time on
4Spend the weekend and enjoy the beautiful Lake
Medina at Joes Place.
5Joe's PlaceOffers great campgrounds and a marina
for boats and more. Established in 1979.
6Activities at Joes Place
- swimming
- fishing
- diving
- boating
- camping
7Dont have a boat?
No worries you can rent a boat at Joes Place.
8Boat Launch
Joe's Place boasts two fully cement boat ramps
for your ease and safety.
9Do you like Camping?
Camp right on the lake
10Camp Ground MapCamping at Joe's Place - best
camping ever!
11Beach and Swimming
Enjoy the groomed, fresh sand beach on the lake
roped off for safety.
13Want to experience diving?
Joe's Place at Lake Medina is a great dive area
dedicated for SCUBA!
15Are you a Fishing enthusiast?
Enjoy bank fishing in front of the picnic area
and on the exclusive private bank for fishing
17Picnicking with family or friends?
- Enjoy Picnicking
- Lake view picnic sites
- Hilltop picnic sites
- Beach sites
19Want the comforts of home and yet go to the lake
for a family getaway?
20Rent a cabin
and get all the comforts andprivacy of home
21If you want to explore few places to see nearby
22 enjoy the attractions around Lake Medina
- San Antonio Children's Museum
- Wine Vineyards
- San Antonio Botanical Garden
- The Alamo
23More attraction
- River Walk
- San Antonio Zoo
- Cascade Caverns
- Hill Country Antique Shops
- Natural Bridge Caverns
24Want to gather your family and friends for any
small or big occasion?
25Party House and Outdoor Patio for private
party, corporate event, wedding or family reunion
- Outdoor Party Pavilion
- for small and large gatherings
26Party House and Outdoor Patio- 1,800 sq. ft.-
w/ beautiful beach front- indoor outdoor party
room- large full kitchen facility
27Outdoor Party Pavilion- covered patios- picnic
tables- BBQ pit- Coke machines
28Other Fun Activities
Volleyball Court Horseshoe Pits Play Scape for
the kids
29Get your holiday started now.Call anytime to
book a reservation or visit Joes Place website
for more details!
30Joe's Place Marina Resort200 Co Rd 2620Mico,
TX, 78056Reservations(830)-612-3775
Twitter.com/joesmarina Joes Place Facebook