Title: Easy Steps For Parents or Teachers to Help Teach Children
1Easy Steps For Parents or Teachers to Help Teach
2Education magazines often site that in every
person's life, there is a time when the brain is
more susceptible to learning, making learning
easier and faster. The time that they are
speaking of is between ages three and six years
of age. A human will never learn as easily or as
fast ever again past that age.
3This applies for everyone, and although I have
not benefited from such early education myself,
in six more months my son will, when he starts in
our three year old class that teaches four solid
hours of teaching a day, five days a week.
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5Elementary school, they find that everything is
easy, while other students who have never
benefited from learning before elementary, end up
struggling along through the class, working much
harder and not getting as far as the students
that benefited from early learning. Now let me
show you some easy steps that we use in our
classes when they are age three to six.
6- Don't listen to other adults when they say
students can only learn for ten to fifteen
minutes! That's wrong in so many ways, and yet
right in one way. You should teach them a full
45-60 minutes without stop, but every 15 minutes
you should change the style of your teaching and
change what words, math games, or items that you
want you child to learn.
7- Be creative in your teaching! This means if
you are teaching at home, then sit next to the
toy box and begin teaching the child the name of
each toy, but remember to repeat it, so that the
child hears you say it two times.
There is a world of learning within the toy box
and those are things the child sees everyday and
relates to a lot, so those words you teach will
be very useful and constantly used. Keep this
repetition up everyday until the child knows it
in a few weeks, then move on to something more
challenging, but don't forget to review a little
everyday of the old lessons
8- Teach With Enthusiasm. Start with using your
voice and then work up to cute mannerisms
(acting). If you sound excited about teaching it,
then the child will be excited to learn. The
child is the reflection of the teacher, they
reflect back what they see before them, so be
cautious of what you say, you could be teaching
things that you never intended or wanted too.
9- Make Sure The Child Follows Along Teaching
reading without teaching sounding words out, is
possible and I've been teaching that way to
students for over ten years. Ages three to four
will have to start leaning words written on flash
cards, hand made is fine.
10- Make Sure They Speak If you are teaching
vocabulary words on cards, then hold one up (the
word "Flowers") and ask, "Okay, what color are
the flowers?" or "Where are the flowers?" and see
where the child goes with it, it reinforces the
memory of the word flowers in their thoughts, but
keep them focused on the task at hand, no
11- Teach numbers, addition, and subtraction This
is the easiest thing of all to teach. Go to the
crayon box and take it to use in this lesson. Sit
down on the floor (all my students learn best
there) face the student and take ten crayons out
of any color. Then hold them in your hand,
placing three on the floor.
12- Make Teaching A Routine Kids fall into a
routine much easier than adults and so you need
to use the same time every day to teach them.
Here is our class schedule for teaching three to
six year olds.
13By taking the time to teach you child early on,
it will create a positive study habit for the
student and make future learning easier by
already having experienced learning in a
structured environment. We teach and we learn
along the way, both student and teacher. It's a
wonderful process of personal growth for all
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