Title: Still Wondering What Does a Car Tune Up Service Consist Of?
1Want to Perform Car Diagnostic Test? Choose Big
Lake Automotive As Your Reliable Car Repair
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2Still Wondering What Does a Car Diagnostic Test
Tell you?
A car diagnostic test can reveal a number of
issues related with your vehicle's engine and
transmission, oil and gas tanks, exhaust system,
or other systems. Today's vehicles are designed
with computer processors, microchips, and sensors
that can be linked to a computer which scans the
operating systems to identify exactly where a
problem may exist. Your auto repair expert has
been well-trained to read the codes indicating a
issue or what might need to be replaced during a
car tune up. This saves your auto mechanic a lot
of time troubleshooting a problem and saves you
money because you don't have to pay for repairs
performed on a "trial-and-error" method.
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3Dont Forget this 7 Basic Car Tune Up Checklist
For Your Vehicle!
- When you take your vehicle to your preferred car
shop for a tune-up service, you are essentially
asking for an checkup of your engine, an analysis
of the vehicles performance, and modifications
made as wanted. What may be needed during a car
tune up will vary from vehicle to vehicle, based
on age, mileage and unique manufacturer
suggestion for that vehicle. - Check the spark plugs. Spark plugs should have
gray insulator firing noses. Any other color
could be the sign of an engine issue. What color
is the spark and is it correctly igniting the
fuel? Make the spark plug wires are not cracked. - Check the fuel filter to make sure it isnt
clogged or dirty. - Check the fuel pump for proper function.
- Inspect the fuel injectors to make sure dirt or
other deposits are not restricting the amount of
fuel that can be delivered to the engine,
affecting how the spark plugs fire. - Adjust the timing and idle.
- Check the PCV valve to ensure it isnt clogged or
leaking. - Inspect the vehicles points and condenser.
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4Schedule a Free Consultation With Our ASE
Certified Car Service Shop!
Big Lake Automotive Shop Car Repair
Shop Address 19868 172nd St, Big Lake, MN 55309
Phone 763-263-0909 Website www.biglakeautomoti
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