Title: SEO Expert Services Singapore Best SEO Company in Singapore (22)
1Internet Marketing PPC Tips to get
Quality Score
2What is PPC?
- PPC and SEO services are the topmost trending
Search Engine Marketing strategies on the web. To
extract the maximum benefits from a constantly
swelling traffic on the internet, focusing on
these two services is a must. - PPC implies Pay-per-click. In this service, the
owner of the website pays for every click which
takes customers to the landing page of the
website. - In other words, this is a service which lets you
drive the traffic to your website by making you
pay for every click on your websites
advertisement. Google Ad Words is a great tool
for PPCÂ marketing.
3PPC and SEO services
4What is the Quality score?
Nowadays, the most popular SEO packages
extend Ad Words PPCÂ services. The cost per click
or CPC is the cost borne by the owner in the
process of earning the traffic. This cost can
vary from high to low depending on your quality
score. This score is a cumulative count on a
scale of 1 to 10, maintained by Google based on
multiple parameters. These parameters are tracked
by monitoring your history on the Google Ad
Words tool. A quality score near to 10 can
significantly reduce your CPC, giving you a much
better ROI figure.
5Strategies to boost your Quality score