Title: Valentine SMS Messages - Valentine SMS Quotes, Wishes, Funny Valentine
1Funny Valentine
2Valentine is the happiness day for every year. If
you are looking for Funny Valentine then you are
at right place. Large number of funny valentine
SMS messages, funny valentine jokes, funny
valentine wishes poems.
Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages
3Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages
4Love sms u r in my heart,,if u don't believe in
my words,,
Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages
5Try to pull my heart,,u will c ur name on every
wall of my heart. dont love a friend like a
flower because a flower dies in season,love them
like a river because river flows 4 ever.love is
love, i love my love, my love is you, so i love
Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages
6I married the first man I ever kissed. When I
tell my children that, they just about throw up.
Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages
7Hope is philosophy of lifelife begin when
hopebegins Life ends when hope endsso..Always
hope for the bestHappy valentine's day
Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages
8I love you Today But not as muchAs
tomorrowToday I love you Even more
than YesterdayI did, I do I always will Love
Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages
9LifeIsSweet.But it'sTwice as SweetWhenever
lim with you
Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages
10Thanks For Watching
Funny Valentine
Funny valentine sms messages