Title: What to do if there is an electric fire?
1What to do if there is an electrical fire?
2Often times the reasons for a building catching
fire is cited as a short circuit due to the
faulty electrical circuit or an old equipment
that has outlived its working span.
Accidents, do notcome announced.
3Here is what experts suggest as immediate steps
when there is an electrical fire
4If you have safe access to the equipment causing
fire, unplug it immediately to stop the
electrical power supply.
This is an importantstep as it reduces the
electric shock hazard significantly.
If you feel you are able to handle the fire then
Quickly, locate the fire extinguisher. Usually,
they are placed at the entrance of the halls or
office areas and are distinctly visible due to
their bright red colors.
6Quick Tip
Choose Category C fire extinguisher as it has a
dry fire extinguishing powder. Other categories
A, B, D etc. are water based and they can cause a
very high electrocution hazard when you spray it
on the fire.
Then take the extinguisher and point its nozzle
to the base of the fire. Spray the power in
bursts at the base of the fire suffocating it off
theoxygen needed to continue.
Even if you are confident that the fire has been
put out in this way, go out of the room, office
or building and call the emergency services, fire
brigade or inform the disaster recovery
representatives within your organization.
- In the event of a major
- Do not use the elevators to go up or down. It is
a difference between saving a life or not and the
slightest delay can prove fatal or otherwise. - As soon as the fire alarms go off, just drop
anything that you are doing, do not even think to
pick up any personal belongings. - Move out in an orderly fashion using the stairs
and reach the safe assembly point and await
further instructions from the right authorities.
- If you are at your home
- Resist the urge to go in and save any
belongings. It is very risky unless you are
trained and have worn the proper protective gear
to go in and handle such situations.
Quick Tip If the intensity of fire is less
quickly take some baking soda and throw it at the
base of the fire. This will smother the fire of
oxygen and it will be put out quickly. This is
the main ingredient in a category C fire
extinguisher and is effective in handling
electrical fires.
Having a good disaster response team in offices
or if the accident occurs in a home, knowing the
above things can be very handy and can make a lot
of difference in preventing injuries and
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